A Worldwide Congregation athirst for Truth
Individual progress itself depends on a singularly focused will .. a fixedness of intentional living. . and an all-dedicating stability .. an all-conquering perseverance shall develop .. a constancy of intention must emerge. Upon this principle of constancy depends all human possibilities. Nothing exalts the mind and ennobles the heart more than a perception of its own possibilities, even though foreshadowed by the existence of some other mind who may stimulate it and encourage its expansion for existence to thrive.
As soon as men and women perceive truth absolute .. feeling an affection for truth .. they get the intellectual impulse .. the urge from within themselves .. to carry it out and to begin its applications for themselves .. they put it into practice with earnestness and hope to become greater.
All lives are differently constituted, and their external experiences are exceedingly dissimilar; but all individuals experience the promptings of their internal life principle .. the Spirit of Life within themselves, and would obey its teachings were it possible for them to penetrate the materialism and its densities and conquer their prior lifetimes of those powerful momentums be they destructive or constructively qualified.
They cannot realize understandingly, and obey their higher nature, until their vitiating and wretched conditions are enhanced and improved upon. A spiritualizing and conscientiously awakening personality feels themself in some measure responsible for the evils of civilization which they fail to prevent; for each individual recognizes the seeds of immortal excellence in even the lowest and most depraved creatures.
Verily, verily do I speak to you each one with an ear of availability for objectivity, and an eye of deliverance opening to ponder truth and a heart quickening towards the all-empowering impulse of Life Himself...
Thou know'st but little if thou dost think true values and the virtues of existence are confined to climes or systems or individuals or organizations. I sayeth .. values and virtues and even vision reside everywhere for the purpose of life to enter the enormous flow spontaneously when given the chance to become cultivated and matured .. grown and enboldened within the heart and mind.
Life's warm stream of new and enlightening understandings and meanings, those all-stabilizing higher vestment urges to learn and to grow, eternal values which enrich one's awareness and acknowledgment of Life, illuminating virtues which eternalize the whole personality soul, the heightening capacities of the mind encircuited within Infinity to open widely and receive of truth .. one's elevated living built upon character righteousness and direct reverence for their own existence .. these are the foundations throughout the whole creation, and these cardinal phases of growth and maturing awaken those further personal developments which bring glory and honor and dignity to individuals .. and which perpetually beat the pulse of every healthful heart arising unto God awareness, God love, God cooperation and His compassionate mercy, and the second birthing of every individual heart towards a fuller God ascendancy in the Kingdom of His Reality.
Michael Of Nebadon