About Edentia Society Of Salvington
The Evolutionary Ascendancy of the Planetary Consciousness towards a Unified Global Citizenship through the New Planetary Prince School of the Cosmic Revelation of God Remembrance.
Edentia Society of Salvington is the coordinating office bringing forward the inception development of the New School of the Planetary Prince. The New School of the Planetary Prince is being initiated by the Planetary Prince with the Celestial Revelators.
The Celestial Revelators of the Urantia Papers are the Superhuman Teachers with the Planetary Prince composing the Planetary Teaching Mission and it’s Revelatory Commission Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives for the Life Kingdoms.
Planetary Mortal Epochs
From the inception of life on an evolutionary planet to the time of its final flowering in the era of light and life, there appear upon the stage of world action at least seven epochs of human life.
These successive ages are determined by the planetary missions of the divine Sons, and on an average inhabited world these epochs appear in the following order:
1. Pre-Planetary Prince Man
2. Post-Planetary Prince Man
3. Post-Adamic Man
4. Post-Magisterial Son Man
5. Post-Bestowal Son Man
6. Post-Teacher Son Man
7. The Era of Light and Life
Edentia Society of Salvington Focus of Activities…
Edentia Society Of Salvington Publication and Newsletter
Upon the Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum — the Daily News of the New School of the Planetary Prince
Salvington Arts and Philosophy in the enhancement of the cosmological perspectives of the Celestial Revelators with Christ Michael
World Cultural Center preserving and upholding the Restoration and Revelation of the Planetary Initiatives for the Life Kingdoms as given by Christ Michael with the Celestial Revelators who are the superhuman teachers of this School.
The Celestial Revelators with the Planetary Prince compose the Planetary Teaching Mission and its Revelatory Commission which fosters Christ Michael’s Planetary Initiatives for the Life Kingdoms of the Planet.
Celestial Revelators with the Planetary Prince are initiating the new Planetary Prince School of Revelation.
A Planetary School of God Recognition and Remembrance, Personality Respect and Reverence, Personhood Soul Receptivity, and Religious Relationship of Reciprocity with the Adjuster Order.
Universe Broadcasting Amphitheatrum of the Celestial Revelators of the Urantia Papers with the 21st Century Gospel Revelations of Michael
Urantia Worldwide is managed by the Celestial Revelators of the Edentia Society of Salvington
Evolutionary Sustainability of the Environment, the Advancement of Society and the Race Socialization, Individual Self-Governing Sovereignty in Normalizing the Planetary Epochs of the Civilization and the Individual.
Eternal Sustainability, Planetary Wholeness, Fulfillment of all Kingdoms of Life; fulfilling the covenant agreement of the planetary stewardship and worldwide commitment to be responsible citizen caretakers of the earth as unique individuals by reducing the environmental impact, fostering growth and diversity across the continents, upholding stringent governance practices in the vast educational curriculum to the kingdoms of life, and providing philanthropic support to our Holy Comforter Planetary Cities and Worldwide Communities
Good Governance Principles of Integration & Unification, Advancing Diversity & Inclusion, Personality Individual Knowledge and Race Actualization in the Caretaking of the World Environment, the Individual Socialization of Advancing Society towards the Era of Light & Life, and the Divine Directionizing Impulses for Individual Self-Governing and Personal Ascendancy
Celestial Revelators Approach:
Driving positive impact for our students, colleges, and communities.
Planetary Initiatives:
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives & the Global Trinitarian Initiatives in the Mission of God the Sevenfold and those Celestial Revelators serving Urantia at this time; beginning the Public Work in the Rehabilitation, Regeneration, Revelation, Restoration, & Renewal in the Normalization of the Planetary Epochs.
Edentia Society of Salvington