Advancement of the Ages
Thou emerging sons and daughters of this Planetary Evolution...
Let these my words be as a symphony of harmonies for thine soul receptivity to partake of, to grow, and to develop.
Let my personal Holy Comforter vibrations of glory in the Father be always played upon thine heart-strings.
Let all souls become quickened in Peace and Prosperity now.
Let my love reach out into the darkest corners of the earth and heal the anguished cry of deep despair and suffering during this moment in your planet’s journey.
Let Light arise in every particle of consciousness upon the earth.
Let Life expand throughout every creature.
Let Love taketh up his residence in thine heart, mind, body, and personality soul.
Yea, open thine personality soul to this Light of Christos .. she in you who is given to abide in every man and woman who cometh into the world.
Let its glory of healing divine compassion expand and grow in you .. and its unspeakable tenderness .. its wholeness of complete restoration .. his glory of awakening .. shine forth in every cell and fibre of your field of consciousness.
Yea, my beloved, awaken to the call of the New Day!
The New Humanity!
The New Opportunity for Advancement!
Let wisdom reach its measure of unfolding as you hear my voice and seek refuge within my Spirit of Truth which pervades the lands .. responding to that eternal invitation of Infinity .. that penetrating warmth which says unto thee, my child .. "Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest -- ".
Oh beloved ones who starve for redemption .. who is athirst for my loving forgiveness .. now do I gather you upon my Persona Universal; for you live in me and I am seeking to live in you throughout.
Come and enter with me our Universal Association.
Broaden thine perspectives and heighten thine perceptions of the Father’s honor and glory.
The Kingdom is his Imminence and Majesty in the here and now.
Michael Of Nebadon
21st Century Americas Gospel