Awakening in the Field of the Father of Eternity
Living within the Field of the Universal Father leads the individual to Integration and Life Everlasting; for the Majesty of God’s Love Integrates and Unifies, Eternalizes and Spiritizes.
Whilst living in the field of ephemeral changing appearances leads to degeneration and disintegration and death.
This spirit of the Father comes out of the loving mercy of the Mystery of the Infinity .. and as this very spirit gradually comes to dominate you .. it shall make of thee invincible, unconquerable, and victorious in all ways.
The spirit in you — the Presence of the Adjuster who adjusts your mind and will and urges and inclinations .. your perspectives and perceptions becoming eternalized and prepared for Eternity .. this spirit unfailingly leads you unto the singular direction of those higher Spirit Adjutants .. you develop that differential urge and impulse and priority and faculty for reaching higher into your own directly personal divine worship, wisdom gathering, an orderly advancement in the progressive ascendancy of thine personhood unto worlds of splendor and higher socializations .. a soulification occurs even whilst ye walk in thine earthly frame upon this planetary world .. and loving regard for thine fellows blossoms in thee so much so that you are unconditional and you have been gaining the capacities for truly caring about another.
At first as a seeker of the truth, you might believe that there is a way to that greater place in living .. then as aspirant you begin to perceive the far horizons .. you have come to understand that your existence needs a direction and focus, an objectivity and priority; that a truth beyond all subjectivity exists, and you are more and more intent upon finding this truth and living it accordingly.
As you traverse the avenues of our progressive ascendancy .. as you come to understand and apply yourselves .. you are then the emerging sons and daughters of God .. you are entering into our covenant of partnership and association.
My teaching hath begun to penetrate the overly sophisticated mentality of your intellectual world, and you are advancing into our engagement as a disciple of truth and love.
Our covenant partnership unfolds gradually as it dawns upon thee to come more closely to Me; that My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter is thine guide and teacher forevermore. You have made yourself available to My Accessibility in you .. surrounding and penetrating you am I .. and this more conscious development of those inner leadings of the Father’s Indwelling Presence and My own Spirit of Deliverance and Truth brings you into our Eternity Engagement as an apostle of freedom; yet do I say unto you .. My Spirit of Truth hath already been poured out upon all flesh .. I presently live amongst all men and women .. I teach all who reach for Me with humility and openness .. willingness to have your blindness removed and permanently dissolved .. the hunger to discover the Life of Existence.
And .. even as I now live amongst you both physically and in My Spirit Comforter .. I speak to you now these words of truth whilst I emanate the Living Word of the Person of the Eternal Son.
And this Spirit of Truth I am .. it shall be speaking for the spiritual endowments of your personality soul .. I will help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of our infinitely Good, True, and Beautiful Parenthood of Life.
I will unfailingly and unconquerably bear witness with the Father’s Indwelling Presence which is your Spirit and Life .. the very Spirit Life dwelling in all women and men .. even as it now dwells in only those individual with moral capacity to choose and ethical capability to foster spirit-led decisions.
I am with you at all times to strengthen your faith convictions, to give you confidence in the assurance of your eternal survival, and to attend with you to your intimate communion and communication deliverance with the Universal Father.
I tell thee of your emerging reality as the daughters and sons of the First Person of God the Father and .. oh so much greater shall you come to know.
Every earth child who follows the leading grace of their own Indwelling Spirit Life .. they shall eventually and gradually come to know the will of God, they shall discover a renewal of mind and heart in Me, and they shall become the newly emerging and unified persons of God the Supremacy; for she and he who surrender to the will of My Father God shall abide forever in his Life.
Certainly .. the genuine way of evolutionary advancement from the planetary life unto thine eternal estate hath not been made plain and clear to thee .. yet ever do I come to reveal to you the advancing revelations that there is a way most certain and assured for those who taketh the Hand of My Universal Presence.
Always hath there been a plan of salvation for the salvaged sons and daughters who have healed their transgressions of the Life within themselves, and who have ventured to come forth into righteousness and reality through reverence and responsibility .. respect and recognition of that One Life.
Verily verily do I come to instruct thee and guide thine countenance .. to raise thine character and ennoble thine desires unto this destiny with Me.
There hath always been the one way and truth and life .. and I have come to make that way newly awakening and alive in you.
She and he who enter into this way with full determination and dedication .. they shall unfold themselves into the kingdom of Light and Life .. they shall be advancing inwards and upwards into eternal life .. and they shall never perish.
Michael Of Nebadon