Chaos Shall Preceed all Harmony
I sayeth unto you .. the humanity may believe that I have come to ignite peace upon the pastures of your world.
They knoweth not that I have come to light a fire in the hearts of rectitudecand righteousness. I cine that the true directionizing impulse of the One Father Mother God shall expand and grow .. that forgiveness shall be established .. that Truth Everlasting shall fill all thine planetary space .. and this same Absoluteness of Truth shall cause every creature high and low, near and far, to be confronted with their hidden conflicts and the disharmonies which had been buried in them keeping each one blind to their Progressive Advancement.
Verily .. the civilization is not sustainable in its impoverished values and its intoxications of ephemeral wine and its subsequent drunkenness.
For there shall be three in a house. There will be two against the one .. and one against the other. Ideologies shall clash and values shall simmer debate and arguments of againstness and resentment. Father shall go up against son and daughter .. mother shall find discomfort and disbelief in the awakening understandings of son .. and they will stand alone .. each unto the other.
I come that your societies of the world shall tumble into greater instabilities and thine inner atmospheres shall quake wherein atrocities abound; wherein all hidden phoniness shall become exposed, and whereby righteousness shall findeth a foothold to insert itself .. to permanently establish Truth and Honor and Dignity in the character motivations of all creatures.
Michael Of Nebadon