Children of Nebadon
Thou children of mine flock upon this planetary orb .. stand forth with thine attestments at hand. Know that ye are either building a closer repose with the Infinite Father, or you are walking in disgrace and dishonor .. in that subtle procrastination and rebellion. Hear Mine voice beloveds. Know mine doctrine .. mine precepts…
Thine soul does crave that greater union with the source of itself .. the core of its own nourishments must be brought forth and harvested as a mighty field of redemptive light and life.
Verily .. have thine pronouncements reached into the fabric of the Father’s glory? Have ye disencumbered thyself from all thine rantings and ravings of folly and excess? Have ye reached deeper into Mine understandings or have ye not yet been equipped to turn thine heart from folly .. from those things of the world which do not offer thee any sustainable wealth nor the inheritance that I hold for thee.
Mine children of this earthly pasture .. come to Me, for I do surround you with the Father, and the Spirit. I live within thee with the One Father, and He does desire your fusion…your integrity with Him. Men and women do not live by material cravings and gestations alone, but by the Bread of Eternity doth ye find thine salvation, thine sentient intelligence blossoming into the fuller pronouncements of immortality and spiritual maturity.
Cherish thou, these days that we can have discourse together in this surprising way. Be not impoverished by thine stubborn and prideful adherence towards material abasements, but come forward out of the fold of the dead and the dying civilization, and bequeath thine embers with Mine Living Fire of Love.
Call upon Mine Comforter Spirit surrounding and interpenetrating the fibers of thine personality and soul. I give thee the Life, as it is given to me by the Trinity Endowment of our existence. Cry not for the foods of the gods; for I am here in the midst and always in thine surroundings do I dwell. Be thou contrite in thy accounting for every particle of Life ever used. Be thou willing courageously to give thyself to our association .. for Mine Members have thus attained to the heights of human consciousness, and they have become birthed into the immortal domains of the Father’s Kingdom.
Christ Michael Of Nebadon