Christ Michael, Ye Call Me
I am thy Sovereign Creator Son of Paradise Trinity Origin.
I and the Mother are the personalized foci of the Paradise Deity for this aspect of creation. I am Son of God known by many names am I, yet I am not bound by names, nor am I willing to become limited by them.
I call myself many things and by many names do I sign my words. I identify myself with all goodness, truth, and beauty, and I am not of this earth, yet I come into the earth manifest to reveal unto thee the way unto freedom and illumination.
For this have I come into the earth at this time, that I might fulfill my covenant with thee, that where I go ye may also go.
I say unto thee, as ye fulfill the law ye shall prepare thyself to live his will and intent, and his plan shall become illuminated within thine own awareness.
I am here within the earth for a time, a short while, and I too say that all which are prepared to receive me shall be caught up with me, for it is now come when many shall be quickened unto the Father even as I was quickened and ascended.
Ye shall do the very same as ye receive and bring forth the fulfillment of thy birth into light.
I say, for this have I come, that ye may overcome death and fulfill thy own covenant with the Father. So be it and may all peace and prosperity be thine own.
I am now giving unto thee that which ye can comprehend. So shall ye be quickened and ye shall know as I and the Host of Heaven do know, of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy.
I am of the Paradise Order of Michael, Sovereign Creator Sons who come to guide thy way; for I enfold thy being with My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, and it is the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Mother of this universal creation which surrounds you in every way.
The true sovereign sons and daughters will recognize this offering as a sincere gathering; for those who desire to grow in their soul and fortify their character and consciousness into the Supreme Light and Life by learning how to expand the Kingdom of Love into and through your own being.
Michael Of Nebadon