Daughters of Deliverance and Sons of Redemption
Have I not told you that the Father and I hath prepared His universe for you, that ye being Sons of Light and Daughters of Radiance may manifest therein and know your own godhood?
Behold I say unto you now, he who is given the power from on high to work miracles shall in nowise be cast out from the order which cometh.
Arise and Arouse thyselves! Be thou exceeding glad that those come unto you who do minister unto you with wisdom; behold they
enfold you; behold they say unto you, be even as we, for do we not manifest in that which we perceive?
My beloved children, harken unto me! the enemy presseth; he maketh a mock of the godhood within you; for there are ones who art not of My Universal Fold.
I say, turn unto these betrayers who prefer darkness no countenance; revile them not in that revilings may be served; leave him to his lecheries and let the Light shine through you; presently it raiseth you; it lifteth you
unto mountaintops and giveth you the victory over that which he desireth.
I sayeth .. amplify the Living One. Let His Glory overwhelm the darkness. Magnify His Love in all that ye accomplish.
I and the Father of Lights .. ever do we live within you. Let my light so shine in your hearts and your faces that those who would be one with you go with you to that mountaintop of consciousness.
That which cometh unto you hath the essence of your godhood. Arise and be exceeding wise!
Walk with the Universe Mother and I. Ask of the Heavenly Brotherhood of Life .. the Universe Sisterhood of Light. Be exceedingly aware and made humble!
Christ Michael