Everlasting Laws of Existence
Michael Of Nebadon City fellows...
In order to create harmony and goodness and beauty and truth of expression .. for you shall bring forth the Father's perfect existence .. his Living Ideal of Life .. unto your personality expression .. and then .. unto your personal experience; for his Ideal expansion precedes all expressions and the extension unto experiences.
Ye shall cultivate harmony and goodness and beauty and truth of thine character to behold an expression of harmony and truth and goodness and beauty in experience.
I say unto the sincere aspirants of my 21st century gospel .. entertain thine great thoughts of the Ideal of God; for thought and its attentions bring forth the translation of every mortal latency of all thine potentialities.
Study those genuine philosophies of the highest and bring forth a mind of truth and beauty and goodness and complete harmony.
The knowledge of things in the totality of their relations and conditions shall becometh embodied by you, and only then, shall you findeth Me.
Each human life comes into being with a code and a design of immutable laws. These laws are righteous and bring about a deliberate holiness; and they must become adapted to the development of the whole human personhood.
The penalties for transgression are heavy if ye venture contrary .. if you are living in opposition and counter to their demands. A faithful obedience to these laws will develop each one's innate character differently but harmoniously.
Human life is well designed and well formed .. well constructed and well distributed upon the very bosom of existence .. and as a dutiful child of existence, ye shall acknowledge their relation to you .. and gradually .. progressively .. submit to the wise commands of the Source of all existence.
Michael Of Nebadon