City Of Michael
The New Teachers, Leaders, World Servers of My 21st Century Gospel Revelations shall be in acknowledgment, acceptance, agreement, appreciation, and alignment with the following preceptual ideal:
Thine Holy Anthem which you shall sing unto the Infinite Deity is:
“I come forth to dedicate myself and to serve thine Will, to perfect myself, and to aid You in the perfecting unfoldment of all creatures. And, You have my unconditional commitment regardless of its impact upon my individual personality. I will transmute all that arises in me, as I go forth to serve You in all your ways.
“…I will deliver to you all adversity and obstruction which arises as I serve your plan of ever unfolding Infinite Love.
“I commit to giving you, oh God my Father Mother .. all the credit and glory and acknowledgement for every Good, Beautiful, and True expression which I experience. I hold nothing for myself. I usurp not your Kingdom Throne of Benevolent Glory.
“I humbly worship You, and I offer my mortal life to you, oh God in me and in everyone, all around me, and at your Paradise Residence.”
Michael Of Nebadon
Mission and Philosophy — What we believe
1. The wholehearted desire and determination and decision to experience the unfoldment of your own potentials of love and wisdom and power in gaining a greater comprehension of the knowledge of things; the realization of meanings; the appreciation of values and virtues; the nobility of work — duty; the motivation of goals of morality; the love of service — character; and the deeper fulfillments of cosmic insight and spiritual discernment.
2. Truth brings forth Objectivity carrying the aspirant beyond the borders of their own subjective opinions.
3. Truth makes the unknown to be known. Always, the prior condition before knowing blossoms is unknowing.
4. Verily verily .. I sayeth to the minds of the populace .. begin with human truthfulness and honesty, vulnerability and transparency regardless of the circumstances and ripple effects.
5. Truthfulness rearranges each individual personality closer to Truth. This is the great unerring lubricant allowing God’s Absoluteness to emerge in your life.
6. Truth leads you to establish your Universe Citizenship wherein a permanence of eternal freedom is given.
7. Truth is the key element which the planetary culture must sooner or later cultivate and nurture; thusly, to enter the world of the individual personality allowing all meanings to clarify and values to illumine the personality soul.
8. Truth allows certainty to emerge in the life of the individual. And this said certainty of Truth establishes security. It paves the way for stability and an absoluteness flourishes in the life of the person, so much so that all things become ordered and harmonious.
9. Truth develops righteousness of purpose and rectitude of character.
10. Truth fosters this empowering moral certitude in character and consciousness.
11. Truth nourishes joyfulness, and an unconditional happiness matures and develops for the individual, so much so that, the individual personality becomes a sovereign creature living beyond the reach of mere mortal thought and emotion.
12. Truth elevates and illuminates the way of this sovereignty of mind and heart and even body physical.
13. Truth propels the individual into a kind of mastery over all energies and vibratory influences. All activities are known then to be the effects, as Truth is Cause, and the individual who dares to raise themselves into Truthful living discovers themselves to be a Creative Cause upon which all circumstances in their environment are recognized to be their effects.
14. Truth reorchestrates the mortal life, and it reorders the effectual life of the individual into this absoluteness of being the Creative Cause of everything in their world. The individual in their consciousness becomes Cause unto their own Life; and this is their salvation and empowerment.
15. Truth hails from regions well beyond time and space, and as such, it can lead the personality into groves of splendour and glory; for Truth is of the Fountainhead of the Source of all Thought and the Cause of Cause of every Life.
16. Truth acquaints the individual personality with that which is the reliable, the sturdy, the everlasting, and the incorruptible One.
…and in just this simplicity of understanding .. this untainted knowledge .. will the individual mortal personality find itself raised into right relationship to everything and everyone .. and in this right relationship and rightful place in life .. joyfulness abounds and happiness flourishes for the individual as each one becomes the Self-Directive Governing Agent for their own life and world.
Michael Of Nebadon