Global Village Planetary Retreat
Here in My Global Village Planetary Retreat, I teach you of your personal relationship with the Infinite Deity Persons of the Holy Trinity.
Through the Holy Faith Powers of Free Will you grow into this receptivity, reciprocity, and reciprocation of giving to the Trinity and receiving from the Persons of the Holy Trinity.
The Holy Faith Powers are 11 Free Will natural faculties, and I show you how to utilize these natural organic faculties in building relationship with the Persons of the Holy Trinity beginning with your own Individualized Spirit Life of the First Person of the Holy Trinity.
God the Sevenfold is the Living Vine I AM by which all creatures in this Universe shall progressively advance.
The Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth is My Spirit Persona with you at all times ready to give you strength and conviction .. determination and discrimination of discernment, and the Holy Spirit Universe Mother is always surrounding you and ready to heal and bless and prosper you in your evolutionary unfolding.
Now .. ye are walking as I AM .. and ye are striving for the greater Perfection .. that ye shall learn to fulfill your divine plan .. to graduate from the Planetary Evolutionary Development, and to advance in our Universe unto the higher worlds of Jerusem.
Michael Of Nebadon