God Proximity and Progressive Ascendancy
Perceive ye, beloved, that the thoughts of thine hearts are as manna for thine souls; for he who lives in thee is greater that he and she who liveth in the world of appearances.
As ye seek to give up thine little selfhood, so shall you discover the Eternal Selfhood which shall carry you forth into closer proximity to Life.
As ye asketh of Me for that greater portion of Life, so shall you receive the greater investiture of Life .. only as ye have prepared a place by your adherence to reverence, responsibility, recognition, relationship, revelation, and receptivity .. as ye asketh, wisdom cometh .. love emerges with capabilities divine .. and as ye seeketh for knowledge of the Absolute beyond thine own mortal preoccupations .. so shall God Insight arriveth .. God Perceptions emerge .. God Fortitude groweth .. upon thine doorstep.
Thus, are ye fed by the bread of Life which cometh unto thee from the great streams of Intelligence and Love and Everlasting Power.
We have a profoundly beautiful partnership waiting to unfurl its awareness. Our covenant engagement brings forth all Supreme Potentialities into Christ Actuality.
Hence, ye art athirst for righteousness and purpose .. vision and verity. Thine thirst does plague thee; it is an emptiness inside of you that shall not be fulfilled by ephemeral crafts and temporal strategies and their perplexities.
I sayeth unto the ones with understanding of their prerogatives of personhood .. they who art courageous to penetrate the veils of the little selfhood .. greater works hath man to achieve .. greater leagues hath man to run forth towards .. in that ye might bend to the yoke of your Universe Career with the appropriate quotient of humility and dexterity and childlike openness .. that ye shall becometh arisen into thine Citizenship in the Cosmos.
Michael Of Nebadon