Godward Shall ye Arise
Peace to you all as you grow godward with your entire personality soul…
Thine individual personhood is absolutely essential in this unfolding Kingdom, and your free will is the determining factor in all your experiences of allowing the Kingdom of love to expand.
I show you how to grow this spiritual fellowship communion with God the Father .. his Paradise Adjuster who lives in you right now.
As you grow in the ways of the Adjuster Life of God in you .. then are you preparing for that supreme satisfaction of service life everywhere.
Seek first this Kingdom experience by allowing for the transcendence of the spiritual meanings and values to taketh precedence over the material in your human personality.
You shall learn to view life from the eye of your faith and trust.
Thine world has not yet lived my teachings .. even from the days of my Galilean ministry.
These dynamic ideas shall gradually cause positive changes in your decisionary urges and impulses of choice.
My divine ideals and heavenly doctrine to mature and deepen the kingdom of heaven shall unfold thee into sons and daughters of righteousness and reverence in every moment’s glory.
Michael Of Nebadon