I am Come as Eternity Word to Quicken thine Evolutionary Progress

The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readAug 27, 2019

Mine own emerging sons and daughters of the planetary kingdoms...

Ye shall love the Lord thy God Life with all thine mind .. will .. body .. and the entirety of thine personality soul.

As you giveth your complete acknowledgment and acceptance of the Universal Father's Life in thee .. as you worshipfully adore the Trinity Parenthood of Existence .. as you open thyselves in faith and trusting reliance .. so shall you clear the avenues of your own God ascent.

I come as the Eternity Word madeth flesh .. I dwell for a time upon thine terrestrial habitat with you and for your benevolence and for the perfectionizing ascendancy of thine entire personhood soul.

I come to influence you and all blessed members of your planetary society in their individual relationship with the Trinitarian Deities who are real and actual Infinite Persons of Spirit Substance .. of a nature teeming with Goodness and Beauty and Truthfulness and Glory unmatchable and indescribable to mortal creatures.

I come as their Representative Father Son expression .. allowing you to reach for Me .. to elevate thine thinkings .. to enrapture thine heart with the grace and glory and generosity offered by the Paradise Trinity Parenthood.

I come to thine small world spinning in space .. its pathways destined for Light and Life through the inestimable power of God's Majestic Love and Mercy.

I sayeth to you who are impulsed for that something greater in your lives .. to the seekers of Absoluteness .. the aspirants of Glory .. the disciples who are searching to find God the One Life .. the apostles who knoweth Me and are engaging with My Persona both here physically and in My Eternity Comforter in order to graduate into their Second Birth of Immortality and Cosmic Citizenship.

I say .. behold thine Father Son who hath given up My Life Universal in order to step into your biological expression of human frailties .. you have a destiny to fulfill and a fuller augmentation upon thine personality mind and immortalizing soul .. you hold certain endowments which you are now ready to make goodly use of.

Taketh Mine Holy Hand and allow Me to lead you unto your eternal advancement and adventure.

I am the Universal Vine of Life, and you each are My individual branches of this same Life.

I distribute thine nourishment .. though most of your civilization know this not yet. I advance you ever forward. I extend and giveth to thee when you demonstrate a receptivity and a personality readiness for the fuller Life .. the greater portion of the Father's Life.

My mission bestowed upon your world desires to educate you in the influences and benevolence of our Comforter relationship together.

20:5.1 (227.4) The Eternal Son is the eternal Word of God. The Eternal Son is the perfect expression of the “first” absolute and infinite thought of his eternal Father.

When a personal duplication or divine extension of this Original Son starts on a bestowal mission of mortal incarnation, it becomes literally true that the divine “Word is made flesh,” and that the Word thus dwells among the lowly beings of animal origin.

20:5.2 (227.5) On Urantia there is a widespread belief that the purpose of a Son’s bestowal is, in some manner, to influence the attitude of the Universal Father. But your enlightenment should indicate that this is not true.

The bestowals of the Avonal and the Michael Sons are a necessary part of the experiential process designed to make these Sons safe and sympathetic magistrates and rulers of the peoples and planets of time and space.

The career of sevenfold bestowal is the supreme goal of all Paradise Creator Sons.

And all Magisterial Sons are motivated by this same spirit of service which so abundantly characterizes the primary Creator Sons and the Eternal Son of Paradise.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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