I am thine Everlasting Father Son of Nebadon
I am the hope of the hopeless, the helper of those who have no helper, the treasure of those in need, the physician of the sick, and the resurrection of the dead.
Before Abraham was, I am. All authority is given me, on earth and in Heaven.
I and the Father are One Presence .. one Priority .. one Purpose and Power. I speak to you now as the One Father Mother Son and Spirit.
I come during this 21st century to make the things below which are imperfect and corruptible .. the pastures of the earth .. like the things above which are incorruptible and everlastingly good .. and the things outside like those of truth .. inside.
I come to unite them in that Singular Place; that there forms an integrity for the individual .. a unifying planetary wholeness for this entire civilization .. a grand impetus, impulse, intention .. all driven by the need and desire for truth and light and life by the omnipotence of the majesty of love.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. All who come to the Father, come through me. If you know me, you know the Father. Henceforth you know him, and have seen him; for I am the personified expression of the Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son for Nebadon .. and I am that undivided force of loving unity with the Infinite Spirit and Universe Mother.
He who shall drink from my mouth .. who shall partake of my mind and its philosophy of ideas .. who shall live my gospel sincerely and with a daily determination .. they shall becometh as I am in their character of righteousness .. in their purest and holy drives and their God-given directionizing powers .. in their motivating inspirations .. in their personality nature and identity .. in their loyalty and unconditional allegiance .. in their unconquerable love for God the Mother Father of all life .. these ones shall become one with me in their purposeful love for all lives .. and I myself shall become he and she .. and the things that are hidden shall be revealed unto them.
Inquire then truth, Intend then honesty and respect, Invisualize then absoluteness, arise then in the fullness of faith that ye shall be made renewed in me .. in the Father and I .. and I will tell you all you wish to know, and I myself will make known to you what you do not ask.
My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter is ever with you as you ask and acknowledge and adore .. so shall our Universe Association prosper thee unto Eternal Vision and Everlasting Life.
Christ Michael Of Nebadon
Office of First Contact