Limitless Possibilities
Oh Urantia Family...
The Infinity of Life is truly a majestic goodness unfathomable and indescribable and quite attainable by you.
Life .. the existence of all existences .. the universe of all universes .. the plethora of trillions upon trillions of individual personalities living and serving throughout the galaxies and the perfected universe .. all and all are created, upheld, preserved, sustained, advanced, fed, and being actualized in every moment of all the seconds in a day by the Living One.
Can you comprehend how so great and generous and good the majesty of God the Father Son and Spirit Is .. that the Persons of Trinity Origin .. the vast Infinity can reach Himself outward unto all lives at the very same and simultaneous moment?
Contemplate and Consider .. then open thyselves in Comprehending how so beautiful and so true our God Source .. the literal Parent and Father Mother .. can continually reach outward to all .. can descend from his eternal dwelling place in infinite perfection to fraternize and love his creatures .. engaging and associating with thine individualized human creaturehood?
Through thine very own Individualized Godhood .. the Universal Father assures you that he is absolutely present .. intimately caring for you .. unconditionally guiding and nurturing your avenues of ascendancy into greater and still greater and more lofty opportunities of existence; for you are at the beginning of your existence .. its gestational birth has yet to be achieved by you until you become eternalized and spiritualized and prepared for the Second Birth .. that you are to become literally born once again by the Hand of Eternity.
At Salvington, I and the Mother Spirit in collaboration certainly with the Father's Adjuster Life and His Trinitarian Origins .. we have delivered to you a practical and highly transformative educational fellowship .. a living circuitry and a university of wisdom .. that you shall knoweth the God who holds all possibilities .. the Parenthood of God and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Life.
Thine finite intellectual stature shall become assured in its faith and trust that God the Everlasting Parent hath your highest and brightest interest in his Mind of Infinity.
Rest assured .. the Great Trinitarian Host hath designed your way .. even before you came into existence as a personality with his Life in you awaiting you to claim.
An actual and living portion of God is in you and with you, awaiting from you the unwavering decision by you to share your mortal life with him.
Rest in this unconquerable glory .. that you have a direct divine fellowship available and accessible to you at every moment. The Universal Father has given to you a portion of his Spirit Life .. residing within your intellectual mindedness .. your field of life.
As you are desirous to have Intimacy with God .. so shall you awaken this fellowship .. this camaraderie .. and you shall then, knoweth the Eternal One who is all Life and Sovereignty .. all Stability and Certainty .. all Safety and Assurance of your survival as personhood.
Thine Individualized Adjuster Spirit who dwells in you .. is God's Life and is your destiny; for I come once again to make plain and simple thine way to have life more prosperous for you .. more abundantly joyful with the qualities of Life Everlasting.
The Eternal Deity hath prepared your way .. and it begins with human moral choice .. human ethical decision .. human urge to want to be advancing in the universes.
You have no need to go any further than your own inner consciousness .. your inner experience .. your inner existence. And, as you findeth the hunger to achieve more for your lifetime, so shall you coalesce all inner human drives and inner mortal motivations towards thine contemplation of the spiritual reality and the inherent possibilities to discover the Lord thy Godhood .. and to attempt your daily practicing of making Eternity contact with him.
(62.3) 5:1.1 The inability of the finite creature to approach the infinite Father is inherent, not in the Father’s aloofness, but in the finiteness and material limitations of created beings.
The magnitude of the spiritual difference between the highest personality of universe existence and the lower groups of created intelligences is inconceivable.
Were it possible for the lower orders of intelligence to be transported instantly into the presence of the Father himself, they would not know they were there. They would there be just as oblivious of the presence of the Universal Father as where they now are.
There is a long, long road ahead of mortal man before he can consistently and within the realms of possibility ask for safe conduct into the Paradise presence of the Universal Father.
Spiritually, man must be translated many times before he can attain a plane that will yield the spiritual vision which will enable him to see even any one of the Seven Master Spirits.
Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship