Love is the Father’s Merciful Omnipotence in Expression
Arise into God’s Majesty and His Sovereignty.
Allow thyselves to learn the art of personality deliverance and creative fulfillment.
I sayeth unto My disciples of the world who have awaited My return to thine terrestrial landscape ..
Religious sentiment is the source of all exalted and practical feelings worthy to become amplified by your attention.
A moral and religious world culture is absolutely essential to human disenthrallment from lesser propensities and those sensory appetites of the carnal experience.
Thine physical brain is designed to control the nervous centers which lie beneath it, and the love principle mmust be allowed to flow downward throughout thine human field of life. Love must be permitted to distribute Himself so that a newly orchestrated birth may emerge in the life of the individual personality.
The love principle is the great universal force raising and delivering to Life all things. It is a potential element inherent in thine emerging immortal soul which must become amplified and implemented properly; this love principle is much abused and little understood.
The rule of love over the lower faculties is an unceasing duty for My disciples of the earth who look to Me for My Living Vine to distribute Life to them.
Carnal passions stem from thine animal consciousness and must be consecrated into devotional praise and loving heartfelt adorations; yet the spirit within the soul is the ever-flowing and always reliable fountain of love.
. . . and love conquers everything. Love transforms all substances and materials .. all vibrations and conditions .. unto Himself.
God is Love, and much much more...
Michael Of Nebadon