
The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readOct 12, 2019

Thou City of Christ Michael...

Preconception and opinion and predetermined judgement .. these are yet prejudice born of the carnal material mind which seeks to understand without knowing .. seeks to possess without possessing .. attempts to usurp the Majesty of the Father's Love for its own means and ends of carnal-minded gratification.

This kind of prejudice breeds ignorance and arrogance and blindness and division .. subjective perceptions and opinions masquerading as facts which create evil and enmity and hate upon the race mind.

All lives and every individual .. while born of varying conditions and circumstances .. each is of the one brotherhood of life. Everyone is unique, genuine, personal .. and shall grow in these attributes as ye give attentions and acknowledgment and adoration and praise to the Source of thine existence .. the Center of thine personhood .. the Ideal of thine Existential destiny.

I am come for every religious persuasion .. for all orientations .. each is precious in My sight, and every expression regardless of appearance is the learning necessary for personhood to thrive and advance.

Know the benevolence of thine Father God. Ask of Me to pour forth Mine Living Waters of Life .. and as ye arise into our fellowship, so shall you become the receptacle capable of becoming filled by Me.

Partake of Mine Nectar of Eternity, and ye shall be quickening into Its Life Everlasting.

I will gladly give to each one of you a cup of Water from the Fount of Eternal Life .. and you shall never thirst again .. nor shall you search in far away places; for the Parenthood of God is with thee at all times.

Thine people have prayed to Me .. they have reached and they have demanded of Me to resolve their pain and misfortune .. yet do I reveal to you in this 21st century mission .. that there is a wellspring of Life awaiting to rejuvenate thine parched lips .. a fountain everlasting poised to quench thine dry mouth .. and this fount of Life is in you and around you as God's everywhereness .. his Life which is infinitely deep and yet, you have naught with which to draw forth his Life until you gain in his understanding approach.

How shall ye draw forth his Water of Living Nectar?

How will ye drink of his infinite nourishment?

When shall you discover his wellspring hath its Circuits of Trinitarian Glory reaching to you in every moment?

The Water that I do speak about comes not from outside of thee .. nor shall you travel to places far and wide to drink of his Elixir of Mercy; this Merciful Life flows from springs that never fail nor run dry.

Lo, every one who drinks from the limited wells of the world .. they shall thirst once again .. yet they who drink the Living Water that I give will never thirst again. They who receive of these Waters are participating in our covenant of partnership together; for the Waters of which I tell thee are as a Fire of Love which comes to wash clean every travesty ye have imposed upon thyselves.

For ye shall become privy to the Great Mystery which makes of thee a wellspring connected to the Eternalizing Wellspring of Life. From thine indwelling Godhood his refreshing Waters shall burst forth into thine field of living .. sparkling waters bubbling up into eternal life for all who drink thereof.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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