My Arrival

The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readJun 8, 2021

I am come to tell you of the things that ye shouldst know. I am come to rejoice with you, to say, be ye glad of heart, for ye are of those who doeth My work and presently the radiance cometh in upon your services of light and life.

I say unto you, be ye of gladness and truth, be ye loyal and ever in My service, be ye standing upright in thine character, be ye steadfast and straight-forward.

I sayeth unto they with the eyes to see and the ears to heareth Mine proclamations throughout the galaxies .. speech cometh unto you from Mine servants in this our universe, ye are helped to do my work and ye shall findeth your release from that which perplexeth you.

I say unto you, My servants are loyal, they have an eagerness to build in the glory of God our Father Mother. Ye are not asked to do My works alone, yet, ye shall knoweth that Mine universal servants of sons and daughters .. they surround you at all times.

Harken unto Mine sons and daughters of Nebadon when they summon you; I say unto you .. call upon they who are of the Universal Host.

Giveth unto them thine ear of obedience and cooperation .. allow thine joyful impulses to be of such service as you permit the ever-flowing power of the One Deity to pass through you.

I say unto you ever quietly in the throes of your earthly trials and your testings of deliverance .. I say unto you that men await the voice of one they know not, except he is of Me.

All personalities are asking .. whence cometh he who shall taketh us from this snare of earthly tribulation?

When cometh the time that we know our permanent release from all our travails of density and animal origins? Behold they say .. look upon us with the eyes of merciful compassion knowing that we quiver for Light and we shake endlessly for the ascent unto our godhood. We suffer long, enemies surround us, snares are set for our feet, we knoweth not the pure radiance, we seek him who leadeth us unto the true God.

We seek him earnestly within the pangs of hunger which our hearts strive for. He cometh not to raise us beyond the density of our struggles they claim. We hasten his coming. We go out to meet him. We watch on the highroad for his signs of glory.

Lo, ever do I reveal Myself unto the weary and the humiliated and the ones who are athirst for righteousness whilst giving all honor to the Sustaining Parenthood of the Almighty One .. they who art prone to give all their praiseful adoration and worshipful tenders .. their personality giveth away all things unto the One .. and ever do they surrender all credit and love to the Universal Center and Everlasting Source . . .

I sayeth to the receptively qualified ones who pander for truth and understanding wisdom .. for freedom, order, and divine justice .. lo, I am come for the kingdoms of the world.

Michael Of Nebadon



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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