My Eternal Personhood
In this 21st Century Bestowal Mission, I am revealing to you more of My Eternal Name and Station .. My Purpose for you, and the true Gospel Revelations intended for thine hearts to prosper with untold abundance and ineffable glory.
You have known of Me from the 1st Century .. ye have garnered yet a tiny understanding of My Universal Person as Father Son with the Spirit of Existence.
It is for this reason and even greater that I venture to enter your thought streams .. the tapestries of your heart .. that you are eternalizing thyselves with obedience and discipleship in relationship with the Father's Life.
Ye have been inculcated .. indoctrinated .. hypnotized .. with certain ill-gotten interpretations of My works .. My Persona .. My Mission to Humanity over these epochs. And I do uphold every electron in this our Universe, even unto the quickening of all into Light and Life.
Ye shall learn of the Way of Eternity .. the Truth of thine Destiny, and the means to unfold thyselves unto the true daughters and sons of our home of the Nebadon Universe .. and ye shall awaken to thine mastery of the endowment given you .. the developing empowerment of the Spiritual Promise of Grace and the vast Generosity of Love which the Paradise Trinity upholds and preserves for each child of the universes.
I give you My wisdom .. I come and maketh Mine speech unto thine human ear .. that ye may have treasures untold in love, wisdoms of Intelligence, and personality Christ empowerments .. enough to elevate thine entire existence .. to ennoble thine urges for truth .. to enliven thee in your progression inwards through the dimensional fabric of the creation .. even one day unto Paradise.
I sayeth unto the childlike ones who have prepared a place for Me .. for the Father, Son, and Spirit of Existence...
Come unto Me all ye who struggle with thine existence .. who suffer with unawareness and the ignorance of thine place and importance in the universes .. who desire inordinately to express love and to wholeheartedly becometh the compassionate mercy of the Trinity Parenthood .. those who seek a new experience for their lifetimes .. emboldening for themselves a new and higher trajectory of purity, purpose, and closer proximity to the Source of Life.
Christ Jesus Michael of Nebadon