Our Eternity Engagement
EVERY man hath his birthright; it cometh unto him as his knowledge of his purpose for being in mortality; I say it is his treasure; I say it is his heritage; it goeth not from him though seas rise up and smite him; it deserteth him not though mountains cast him from them.
Have ye not this treasure? Whenever was it otherwise? Behold your performance, that it giveth you identity! Render a goodly accounting unto the Father for the labor that seeketh your hands for its doing, for thus shall it be with you that He who seeth the way of the heart bestoweth on the soul its chore of endurance.
Are there those among you whose muscles have a throbbing to be about their business? is the muscle the conqueror? hath the biceps the brevet? I say go not forth among the cohorts until it be evident unto you that the times have their fullness for positive acting. Trust not unto your senses, neither unto your reasonings, if they call you toward those ramparts that offer you no frownings that mean your swift assailments.
Seek ye out no brethren who do not say unto you: We perceive that if sobeit ye do come and move among us, we can uphold your hands the better for service. Make no untoward move toward contest that giveth not its promise of garlands hanging eagerly, verily, beloved, for them to fall and crown you.
Give fortune not its hostages by polling the slothful if they are pleased to be of service. Open your hearts to those who come grimly, who reach you, by much running, who pant in your anterooms, whose biceps have their itchings. I say unto you now, as I have said before, that presently times come upon this people when those storms which now blow shall be as a zephyr to the tempest which wracketh them; the rich shall go down, the mighty rise up; those with the Sign upon their foreheads shall smile in cool wisdom; they shall walk with a calmness and the tempest quail before them.
I say it is a Sign, verily a promise, that goodly wits ennoble you; minions seek you out; they give your hands courage; But cease not in endeavor to give them their leadership, cease not in perceiving that they seek it in hunger, attend to their beguilings of your interest in their behalf. Hold fast unto that which hath stateliness in it, whose truth hath a radiance, whose righteousness is lodestone drawing all men to its magnet.
Keep a steady eye and arm for the spending of nerve, verily of sinew, which the hot hour devoureth that draweth nigh unto you. Give a firm forecast of that which approacheth, but say it with vigor that your heritage show plumage. Take a mighty aim at evil, draw a sturdy bow, speed a true arrow; aim straight, let your archery have its sureness; mock not the adversary with vauntings of your archery, but deal his body arrows with a skill which fainteth not.
But not yet, beloved. Sufficient unto the day is the contest of its strugglings. Prepare! Be prepared! Give a goodly countenance to sorrow, verily as it beseecheth you, but make not the error of discovering yourselves without flaming weapons in a strange land full of blackness. Take your inheritance of manifest leadership. Give it an exercise. Give it a pulse. Look well unto its sinew. I say the times draw on swiftly wherefore ye were prepared over many months of discourse; quail not before them, arise in
a sturdiness, execute your ministerings, say with a valor: We were told of this torment, we have delved in its essence, we know of its launchings and who hath loosed it on us; Wherefore we pale not, our knees hold no quakings, our consciences have sureness, we behold the fell hour as a scene for great actings.
Doth man have a panic at what he seeth clearly? doth the death-shout give palsy if the sun flood upon it? Not so, my beloved. Man taketh his terror from dreads that are nameless. The spirits unseen are not fearsome in morning. Truly the race shall see your good works and glorify Him who sent you among it.
Concerning things personal, this do I say unto you: Make ye no pretense of offering yourselves for service among the twenty when the four score do harken for your words of direction; Be not profligate of counsel, as a general directeth his army from his tent; he seeth not the battle, as I have said often; he fireth not his weapons, I have told you that also; he giveth no card to impatient endurance; For in that he behaveth after the manner of a genera!, so was he commissioned that he might serve excellently; in that he hath first commanded his own spirit, thus saith he to one, That shall be done, go thou and perform it, and unto another, Stand at thy stirrup until I bid thee ride! Verily it is important that commandings be of moment that have lasting glories in them; but how shall glories profit from a race run in a sewer?. . . .
Glories arise from mighty hopes deferred until the heart sickeneth, from mighty aims subverted until the bowels weaken; that the stressed mind may function and the intellect know victory. Give, I repeat, no hostages to fortune, but give a deed of valor its recompense in valor, that those in the byways, verily in the furrows, may know their inspiration. Perceive your tasks and do them, but again I say unto you, mark upon it that the true general goeth not out of his tent until the battle calleth him, . . . in that it floweth poorly for his fortunes, or he would see in person wherein his plans have failed him.
Take your strong oaths to do mighty deeds, but see that ye perform in secret that which hath its secret essence. I bid that ye arise and do contest in my name; I bid that ye win garlands of men's tears and heart-hopes.
And yet ever do I caution you that the enemy pursueth, he knoweth of your leaguings, he scouteth your cohorts and numbereth your banners. I say, let him do it. I say that he doth it in that he feareth you.
Take thought. Take heart. Take courage. Know your stamina to endure; Manifest no sorrow at sight of those who suffer in that their suffering is their right and out of it strength cometh; Be true unto the teachings whereof ye have been taught.
Rest in an assurance that a mighty host prepareth the way for the true tactician and that the battle goeth gloriously all over my world! Know that I say I am content, if my servants but keep their vows to perform. . . .
My Truth Mission
The mission of the Spirit of Truth is primarily to nurture and to personalize truth, for it is the comprehension of truth that constitutes the highest form of human liberty. Mankind’s intellectual emancipation is a necessity before he can go forward in his evolutionary progression. Next, it is the purpose of this spirit to destroy the seeker’s feeling of being alone and without the creative influences of the higher octaves of pure life. The Paradise Father has provided in every way with a clear path to Him, and this is illuminated by His sons and daughters who stand as the living Host of Heaven guiding the way of the creature ascent. All seekers would experience a sense of loneliness had not the Spirit of Truth come to dwell in men’s hearts. So, it is in your greatest of interests to invite and welcome this Spirit of Truth into your daily meditations and contemplations.
This bestowal of the Son’s spirit effectively prepared all normal men’s minds for the subsequent universal bestowal of the Father’s spirit upon all mankind. In a certain sense, this Spirit of Truth is the spirit of both the Universal Father and the Creator Son.
Expect not to become strongly intellectually conscious of the outpoured Spirit of Truth. The spirit never creates a consciousness of himself, only a consciousness of Michael, the Son. From the beginning Michael taught that the spirit would not speak of himself. The proof of your fellowship with the Spirit of Truth is not to be found in your consciousness of this spirit but rather in your experience of enhanced fellowship with Michael.
The spirit also came to sustain men’s and women’s minds in their understanding of the teachings of Michael as well as to illuminate and reinterpret his message on earth.
The Spirit of Truth will help you to bear witness to the realities of Michael’s teachings, and to acquaint you with the way you are to live your life in relationship with the Father’s spirit who indwells you.
The Spirit of Truth is surrounding you in every way eager to place an illumination of pure light you’re your pathway to the Father’s spirit. To lead you on every level to all truth, and into the always expanding knowledge of your direct and genuine experience of the living and growing spiritual consciousness that has grown in attitude and character, and at one with the prevailing spirit of the Father. The Spirit of Truth leads the way for all creatures in their becoming immersed and awakened into the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God.
The public and private works that I offer give each personality Individualization . . . every Stream of Life which has descended from their own individualized personhood source . . . the power of greater understanding of the Eternal Laws of Life, the right Use of Mind and Will, the Science of the Spoken Word, the conscious and correct use and application of the Law of creation, the Authorship Endowments gifted to each person, towards wiping away eons...lifetimes...of karmic misqualified imbalances which have accrued .. accumulated in the field of thine human density.
I walk those receptive to Me through the fulfilling of this law and the returning to them of their true power and consciousness in alignment with their own godhead ...the Paradise Deity Individualized as thine own godhead source...the direct source and originating point of thine own personality and soul which ye must bring into thineself each day in fulfilling the transmutation of potentials into actuality through your perpetual spiritual relations with the Father in you. I give you the right understanding to progressively advance and develop your personal existence by fulfilling the edicts of the Second Birth, by your discernment, dedication, discipline, devotion, directly personal communion - the Embracing Eternity Exercises of the Eleven Powers which I offer unto thee. In this way, you shall each build a unique personhood and individuality .. by your genuine, spontaneous, creative, and personal spiritual communion with the Spirit of his Life.
Only in this way through the righteous use of thine creative free will...the highest use of thine own life force consciousness...can ye rise up out out the death spiral of unconsciousness and the feeling that ye are being victimized by the effects of the world around thee.
Michael of Nebadon