Our Eternity Engagement
And now .. I shall bestow upon thee the unwavering knowledge of the Heavens of Heavens...
He and She to whom Mine Eternal Word speaketh is free from the questionings of intellectual thinkings and ephemeral wanderings.
From this One Everlasting Word of the Originating Son behind all Paradise Sons cometh vision .. eternal verities .. volitions .. validations .. valuations .. and finally, victories in the One Father Spirit.
These are Mine preceptual gifts of revelation for the humanity of this planet. And there are other humanities .. many similar races .. civilizations .. throughout this our universal home who are also in the midst of evolutionary breakthroughs.
Mine pronouncements bring thee forth out of the tomb of unknowing and unawareness. Ye shall excavate from thine earthly field of thy consciousness the very gifts which hath had their burial over the millenia of lifetimes; for a harmonization is necessary.
All things of eternity significance do speak of Him .. the First Infinity Revelation. Our trinitarian vision opens thine personal human vision into the eternal vision of progressive ascendancy. It hath a flavour .. a nectar .. so that thine vestments and values and virtues are ever further ripened into maturity.
And what is maturity .. beloveds .. of our Universal Supremacy?
Maturity is a sincere readiness to be advanced in thine stature. The wholehearted willingness to surrender and serve the greater good.
Maturity hath luminosity which cometh out of new meanings and the developing and higher priorities of humankind.
Maturity hath need of countenance and character and faith conviction in its striving towards God Perfection.
Maturity hath momentum and power overflowing with grace and generosity .. to enter into Our Eternity Engagement .. to maketh religious relationship blossom in Truth Everlasting.
The Beginning of thine advancements into Absoluteness shall cleanse all lesser urges. It shall ennoble thine urges into this devotional destiny.
None shall understandeth or rightly judgeth another as maturity ripens .. as the evolutionary urges for Christendom are allowed to come forth.
I sayeth unto thee .. permit thyselves to grow within the Infinity. The individual to whom all things are of My Wholeness .. this one shall find advancement and acceleration.
The Father's Life bringeth all things in thee unto unification and wholeness. He hath will to blend and share and merge and evolve and accelerate all His Substance.
I and Mine Order of which I happen to hail .. the Michaels.. and our participation within God the Sevenfold .. we seek to bringeth all things into One Wholeness.
We seeth all things as One Advancement...
We venture into universe upon universe in demonstrating this vision of personality perfection and as soul ascendancy.
Ye shall command of thine own free will choice .. command saying, "O God, who art the Unalterable Truth in me .. make me one with thee in everlasting love and merciful generosity."
I bid thee strength to stand forth and claim thine inheritance of Light and Life.
Michael Of Nebadon