Peace Cometh to the Prosperous
I come to you in ways which seemeth natural .. as I enter the thought stream of thine Race.
Receive Me with joy and courage .. confidence of faith in that I have prepared thine way.
The timing of Mine appearance cometh sooner than ye dream. You are not expecting Me .. and I do prefer it that way; for the sincere and respectful and receptive ones of faith vision and love for the Father shall find Me.
Except ye be made of Mine essence .. ye canst not know knowledge .. understanding shall not arrive for thee unless you becometh raised unto Life.
Be thou assured of the divinity of thine intention. I sayeth to the hungry ones who seek knowledge and understandings .. not one thistle of realization nor knowledge cometh unto thee unless ye aspire for it.
I have heard thine prayers .. and have born witness to thine urgings for understanding knowledge and Absolute Reality. I have watched and beheld your expressions of concern for your welfare; I sayeth now to thee .. occurences and opportunities abound for thee so that ye might prosper and grow in thine advancements. Ye shall findeth your prosperity as you learn My way of approaching Life.
Profits do come from thine experiences. Knoweth that I do send to thee these opportunities for your maturing grace to unfold. I send openings and offerings whilst awaiting from thee .. receptivity.
Be thou assured that I knoweth your personality conflicts and the consequences. I wait for thee in thine conversions unto intelligence and love.
I bid thee possibilities and potentialities and promise; that ye shall arise unto the higher impulses and inclinations; that ye shall arise to groweth thine personhood status unto Eternity.
Walk in Mine way and truth and life. Conquer thine ephemerality and its effects. Arise to know of the Father's Kingdom and Life .. and embrace his Infinity Influences for thine own individual heart and mind and body to becometh immersed in grace and glory and generosity.
Great causes rest upon subtle aspirations; great effects are wrought from prosaic beginnings. Thine subtle aspirations are friendly voices bespeaking you that ye do arise and pursueth thine adventures in creation .. that you behold the possibilities .. and that you cause to quake in thee all that shall serve thee upon thine ventures of time and space throughout the galaxies.
Michael Of Nebadon