Perseverance develops Character and Purity
When ye have reached thine fuller Illumination through your daily communion with thine Individualized Life .. then, thine Christhood shall shineth through.
Thine misqualified sins shall have been taken away .. returned unto Light; and in this holy transmutation which ye have undergone by thine humility and will in order to become illuminated .. ye have freed thyselves from all past evils.
Ye have become genuine and spontaneous .. free from every imposition of the world mind .. thine transmuting hath changed the evil into goodness, truth, and beauty.
By good works have ye absorbed the emanations of the Everlasting Life of God the Father in you.
Constructive thoughts preserve thine advancement .. and a powerful stream of divine emotionalism hath renewed thine character. Thine countenance hath been purified of all disease and degeneration.
Now .. shall the sins of darkness and misunderstanding relinquish the children of the earth...
Michael Of Nebadon