Praise and Purity and Purpose
Behold I have come to you in the whisperings of conscience .. and I have stood upon your internal doorstep .. and I have sought to gain entrance into thine heart.
Ever now do I surround thee as Teacher of Truth and Guide of Absoluteness.
I have been many things unto many men and women. I have been their goodly servant. I have been their father and their son .. and I am all these things and evermore. Even am I thine very Selfhood of Life.
Now beloveds .. in this 21st century bestowal mission which I have undertaken by which to accelerate the progressive unfoldment of the human kingdom and all the kingdoms of life .. I am gathering together now with the righteous men and women of the Earth .. I stand up as their Shepherd .. the Universal Vine of Life as given to Me from the One Trinitarian Origin, and I have brought them their increase only in accordance with their capacity to receive of Me.
I come awaiting thine receptivity to carry you forth into our Engagement.
Always thine choice is preeminent .. I tell you that the righteous must look upon iniquity and sin and misperception .. that each shall becometh metered unto righteousness and respect .. that all misconceivings are merely potentials becoming harvested into love and wisdom.
Anoint thyselves into unconditional adoration .. gain thine instincts for advancement as you embrace all misaligned projections. Awaken thine hugher instincts with the Immaculate Conceiving of God.
See that these things of preconception and mortal idea are foul .. they are antiquated and unholy for the emerging sons and daughters .. they who must allow their holy choices to take dominance over all other things.
Knoweth that the Absoluteness of Infinity .. the Universal Father .. has omnipotence over all things. That he playeth the final card for all creatures .. and that every kingdom .. all planetary spheres .. and the endless galaxies eventually find their evolutionary emergence upgraded and advanced due to his Will and his Generosity and Loving Nature.
Behold .. I cometh with sword of Truth and Wisdom. All who have prepared a place for Me shall findeth resonance, and these art My holy apostles throughout the world .. the disciples of victory who shall become arisen upon their faith and reliance and trusting heart.
Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Christ Michael