I am establishing a legacy for all future generations.
Be thou concerned that ye are to begin preparing teachers and leaders steeped in the teachings of my revelations .. ready for the day when the planetary circuits are reconnected .. and when your isolation from the rest of the universes comes to an end.
In time, a visible planetary government will arrive to teach .. uplift .. and unify .. your world.
Be thou concerned that you have not as of yet developed a culture of unremitting study of these truth revelations .. that you are to create, nurture, sustain, and foster the existence of thousands of worldwide study groups.
Be ye concerned that you are not yet preparing the Eden of the mind for these broad-minded revelations .. that your acceptance of this revelation shall blossom only as you are astute within my Word.
The coming of another Son to your world shall only be given as respect emerges, reverence matures, receptivity awakens; for I am already here, yet your population denies and avoids .. harboring rebellion and refusal to come closer.
Be ye concerned that you have already lost sight of the unity of purpose which is required for you to be a living example for the peoples of a world .. a world “…quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.
Michael of Nebadon
21st Century First Preaching Tour of the Americas