Reverence brings his Reordering Harmony
My Spirit of Truth is a comfort unto all receptive creatures...
If you suffer from the great struggle of failing in believing in yourself .. and if you've lost hope and are trying to gain back that hope in the goodness of God and life .. if you're suffering and searching to feel better every day but cannot quite get your head above the water of stress and worldly dominating tendencies .. if you're lost in a feeling of sadness and hopelessness .. if you're feeling emotionally reactive all your days .. and judgementally corrupted .. and angry at your circumstances and painful relations .. not knowing where to turn for genuine guidance and help .. if you are not understanding why some things happen to you and keep repeating in your life .. and you cannot seem to make the most of your life opportunities .. if you are suffocating beneath a mind that involuntarily tortures you .. if you feel that you're failing to get ahead and discover your gifts and authenticity .. and if you are tossed and turned by the whip of your life's chaff of circumstances and events, and perceive that there is no way out .. no truthful way to understand yourself and love yourself ..
I say unto you .. I Michael of Salvington am come to show you a better Way and Truth and Life .. I come to elevate you into dignity and respect .. to return you to nobility of honor and reverence for thine Source of Lufe .. and for revelations of glory and generosity to inundate your personal world .. if you're questioning in your mind why another fails to appreciate you and love you in the ways you are deserving to be cared for .. then, I Michael come to ennoble your wits and to eternalize your supply of love and compassion .. your everlasting bounties for the heavenly things to emerge in thee.
Already do I have My residence within your heart .. and already am I standing
ready and available to teach and guide you according to your humility .. your childlike willingness .. your capacities for religious spiritual relationship .. your wholehearted faith and trustworthiness .. and your faithfulness to rely upon the Infinity of Life .. your purest adoration for the Almighty God.
If you feel unengaged with what is good, beautiful, and true .. yet, if you desire to know truth and to begin to learn with Me to live in truthfulness and goodness and beauty .. to live upon the heights of the greater way of godliness .. if you desire to live more in this very moment of limitless possibilities .. and to begin the ardent task to free yourself from the enslavement to the past and the anxiety provoking mindset of the future .. to enter into this moment .. if you desire truth absolute .. objective non-negotiable truth .. subtle and all-empowering truth .. and if you're willing to walk in truthfulness, vulnerability, transparency, humility, honesty, and righteousness .. forthrightness and love .. then I .. Michael of Nebadon .. come to free you from the past and the future and the unhesitatingly disturbing delusions of fallen imageries which pervade the lands of a populace gone mad and crazed and who have lost their vision.
If you're always putting your attention 'out there' in the world of effects and appearances .. and if ephemerality and temporariness have made a plague from out of your mind and heart .. and if you cannot seem to find what's really important and essential to better your life .. and you cannot become that inner empowering cause of your highest creative nature and your most courageously inspired character .. and that intelligence of utter sincerity .. if you struggle with these things and you cannot live in this moment and embrace the glory of Infinity in this moment .. then I .. Michael of Salvington .. I come to raise you from the dead into the living.
You are designed and created and meant to experience the abundance of life .. to come back into this moment and experience life in this moment rather than your mind's ill-gotten misperceptions of life .. for it is not designed for you to live in the instrument of mind .. but you must live in the Spirit of Life .. at one with the Lord thy God .. you must learn with Me how to expand that Indwelling Life all throughout thine human experience .. so that you come to engage and embrace and evoke and know the First Person of Deity .. the Universal Father who hath delivered a portion of himself .. a fragment of his Infinity Will .. a particle of his Spirit-filled Life .. to live in you and with you .. in your own heart and mind .. willing for you to perfect all human transgressions, so that you become as his upholding divine nature .. you develop your character into boldness and allegiance .. you become his very divinity personalization upon the vastness of the Supremacy of Life.
If you desire to feel the presence of all these ideas .. this living ideal generated by mercy and qualified with love unconditional and unconquerable within you .. then .. I am come .. to raise you from the dead into the living.
I am thy Universe Father Son .. come into this new epoch .. this advent of ascendancy .. for all of life .. and for all the kingdoms of life upon thine planetary world in which you find yourself living.
Michael Of Nebadon