Salvington Saviorship

The Sovrnty Foundation
4 min readNov 25, 2021

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince
University Of Salvington and its Twelve Planetary Colleges

Twelve Planetary Colleges, Universe Amphitheatres of Instruction, Transformational Retreats and Conclaves, College Halls of Illuminated Study, Virtual Yoga Studio with the Holy Kumaras, New Humanity Schools of Ordination of the Planetary Civilization, Childrens College and Angelic Garden

Worldwide Fellowship with the Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter Universal Association with the Universe Father Son Michael and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit of Nebadon with the Planetary Administration of the Heavenly Host

The Twelve Wisdom Colleges are dedicated to the Illumination and Ascendancy of Humanity and the Kingdoms of Urantia

Illuminatum College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the First Ray
College Study Hall of Illumination of the Preparations for Apostleship

Ascendancia College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Second Ray
College Study Hall Of Free Will Decision and Determination Desire

Eternalis College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Third Ray
College Study Hall Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception

Supremacia College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Fourth Ray
College Study Hall Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity

Infinitas College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Fifth Ray
College Study Hall Of Purity and Progressive Ascension

Universalis College
Trinity TempleRetreat of the Sixth Ray
College Study Hall Of Healing Emanation and Power

Resurrectionem College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Seventh Ray
College Study Hall Of Service and Resurrection Christhood

Salutem College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Eighth Ray
College Study Hall Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration

Absoluta College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Ninth Ray
College Study Hall Of Yoga Wholeness and Immortality
Holy Kumaras Yoga Studio

Trinity College
White Lily Temple Retreat of the Tenth Ray
College Study Hall Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender
Order of the White Lily Lodge of Salvington

Imperium College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Eleventh Ray
College Study Hall Of the Islands of Illumination
Of the World Server
Michael of Nebadon Worldwide Communions

Liberi College
Children's Garden of the Divine Minister and Heavenly Host
College Hall of the Angelic Kingdom

University of Salvington
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Twelfth Ray
University Study Hall of the Orders of the Universe Administration
New School of the Planetary Prince

Governing Trustees of Salvington

About University of Salvington
12 Salvington Colleges, Ray Retreats, Illumination Halls, & Schools of the Planetary Civilization

Worldwide Fellowship and Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter
Association with the Universe Father Son Michael and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit Nebadonia with the Planetary Administration of the Heavenly Host

The Triune Virtual Campus at Salvington offers each receptively sincere seeker three options to enhance their Oversoul Personhood, to ennoble their character, to enliven their faith and trust in the Immaculate Goodness of God, to grow into more of their morontial soul, and to eternalize their personal existence into Immortality and Cosmic Citizenship in our Universe of Nebadon.

University Of Salvington fosters an open collegiate culture offering a collegial learning environment within the Salvington University Schools of Michael Of Nebadon City and the Wisdom Colleges of Salvington. Our Campus is dedicated to offering a World Fellowship with our Universe Sovereign Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit.

Salvington offers a supportive, safe and loving educational campus.

Our Private Worldwide Spiritual Campus and its lectures, conferences, conclaves, communities, and spirited retreats are accessible online from your home.

The Planetary Prince School and Retreat of Christ Michael is a monthly tuition-based Core Educational Studies, and a Collegiate Curriculum which is Affordable for all Students who sincerely desire to become a direct apostle of Michael Of Nebadon who comes to give luminous clarity to his Gospel teachings of the 1st Century, and now his 21st Century Bestowal Mission Gospel Revelations for Individual growth and the advancing soul receptivity of humanity.

The University of Salvington maintains its Core Studies which continue throughout the year.

Our Virtual Campus is private, secure, illuminating, and highly educational. A safe community to share yourself and begin learning with Michael of Nebadon.

A Collegial Culture which is non-competitive, considerate, quietly joyful, and enlightening for all. A Gentle and Safe atmosphere to create friendships and to cultivate fellowship amongst a similar supportive set of values and vision.

Our Educational Curriculum reveals the true teaching gospel of the Master Jesus Michael who returns again revealing his Universe Name and Station, bringing a newly inspiring gospel revelation as promised for humanity.

Online Lectures and Conferences each month with the Universe Sovereign Michael bring blessing and healing and prosperity of the heart and mind and body.

Accessible areas to speak directly and have a loving dialogue with the Sovereign Universe Father Son Michael.

Privately focused Group Communities, Chat areas, Social areas, Classrooms, and Societies to help you discover yourself in your Individualized Godhood as a student disciple of Christ Michael.

Our Lectures, Conferences, Conclaves, and Retreats are open year-round. Our Virtual Campus and Trimester learnings preserve a Year-Round Educational Course Curriculum.

Write to us at Admissions



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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