Salvington University

The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readJan 13, 2021

Salvington University and its virtual online campus offers a collegial learning environment; a tuition-based educational fellowship and apostleship with the Universe Sovereign Michael of Nebadon...

absolutum charitas ab origine

Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust
A Charitable Religious Trust and Public Charity

Sovrnty Church and Public Charity

Salvington University Campus
A thriving virtual campus and community of creative, intelligent, and accomplished people from around the world.

Non-residential Fellowship

Many Organized Student Groups and Societies

Students Living Daily on our Virtual Campus

Student Life

Student Affairs
A broad range of services and support to Salvington students including leadership development, personal creative engagements & empowerments

The Edentia Society of Jerusem
Arts, Music, and Culture

Lifestyles of Wellness

Community Engagement & Diversity

Public Lectures

Salvington University Schools...

City of Michael Core Studies

Holy Comforter World Retreat Core Studies

New Humanity Schools of Sovereignty & Ordained Service Core Studies

Global Village Planetary Retreat of Christ Michael Core Studies

Urantia Worldwide Core Studies

Wisdom Colleges of Salvington Core Studies - michael’s writings, urantia revelations, western canon writings

Yoga College Core Studies

Our Private Virtual Worldwide Spiritual Retreat is accessible online from your home.

There is a monthly tuition which is affordable for all students who sincerely desire to become a direct apostle of Michael Of Nebadon who comes to give luminous clarity to his Gospel teachings of the 1st Century, and now his 21st Century Bestowal Mission Gospel Revelations for Individual growth and the advancing soul receptivity of humanity.

Our Core Educational Studies continue throughout the year.

Our Virtual Campus is private, secure, illuminating, and highly educational.

A safe and compassionate community to share yourself and begin learning with Michael of Nebadon.

A Collegial Culture which is non-competitive, considerate, quietly joyful, and enlightening for all.

A Gentle and Safe atmosphere to create friendships and to cultivate fellowship amongst a similar supportive set of values and vision.

Our Educational Curriculum reveals the true teaching gospel of Jesus Christ Michael who returns again revealing his Universe Name and Station, bringing a newly inspiring gospel revelation as promised for humanity.

Lectures are given by Christ Michael several times each month in the various schools of the University.

The Universe Sovereign Michael brings his blessing and healing powers .. the prosperity and goodness and generosity of the Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son.

Our Virtual Campus has dedicated and accessible dialigue areas to speak directly with Christ Michael, and to have a loving dialogue with our Sovereign Universe Father Son Michael.

Privately focused Group Communities and Societies to enjoy together, Collegial Chat areas to learn and grow with your fellows, Social areas to gain Fellowship, Classrooms to focus in upon our core studies and readings; all designed to help you discover yourself as a student disciple of Christ Michael.

The Global Village Planetary Retreat Of Christ Michael is a good next step for those who have been reading His words in the City of Michael.

A Virtual Campus and Year-Round Educational Core Studies with the Universe Father Son Michael

The Global Village Planetary Retreat Course Curriculum...

TKOH 100
The Kingdom of Heaven as God the Supremacy

KOT 101
The Knowledge of Things

ROM 102
The Realization of Meanings

AOV 103
The Appreciation of Values

TROM 200
The Religion of Michael

NOW 201
The Nobility of Work as Duty to the Supreme God

MOG 202
The Motivation of Goals in Developing Morality

LOS 203
The Love of Service in Growing Character

AHP 204
The Achievement of Higher Purpose in Advancing the Soul

WMON 300
Who is Michael of Nebadon?

CIS 301
Cosmic Insight in Building Spiritual Discernment

ERM 302
Eternity Relationship with Michael

HCT 303
Michael's Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth

UVM 304
The Universe Vine of Michael

Suggested Readings:

Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael of Nebadon

The Holy Faith Powers of Michael of Nebadon

Personal Contact with Christ Michael

Who is Michael Of Nebadon?

The Revelatory Papers of Urantia

The Infinite Spirit and You

Sponsored by the Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Trust

Office Of Admissions
Diana Katerine Durango
Head of Admissions
City of Michael
Global Village Planetary Retreat University of Salvington



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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