Salvington University

University Lectures and the Unique College Experience awaits those seekers and aspirants who are wholeheartedly willing to become God taught.
The Private Studies of the University Of Salvington include its seven colleges and their activities.
In the colleges, the students focus together upon the awakening into Truth through University Lectures, Private Tutorials, Practical Classes, Private Studies, Private Dialogues, and the Yoga College of Salvington.
All activities are conducted through Salvington Amphitheatrum and our University Planetary Campus Chats for your particular college circle hall.
University Of Salvington & Seven Colleges bring to the individual Wisdom, Illumination, and Ascendancy.
Each month our activities include…
A. University Lectures: Christ Michael’s graduated and accelerated Instruction in the Zoom Amphitheatrum on the Absoluteness of Ascendancy and the Apostleship Of Ascendancy and the Adonai Of Ascendancy.
Some of the topics in the Ascendancy Curriculum include…
Ascendancy 101
The Ideal Nature Of the Absoluteness
The Attributes and Attitudes Of Absoluteness into Ascendancy
Ascendancy 102
The Progressions Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 201
The Avenues Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 202
The Arc Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 301
The Attenuations Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 302
The Accelerations Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 303
The Awakenings Of Absoluteness and the Absolute Attenuations Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 401
The Actualizations Of Ascendancy
Ascendancy 402
The Acceptance Of Ascendancy and the Alchemy Of the Absoluteness
Ascendancy 403
The Altar of Ascendancy Retreat
B. College Private Tutorials: text readings and review for deepening understanding
C. College Practical Classes: Christ Michael’s teaching instructions and his yoke of ascendancy
D. College Private Studies: the tenfold precepts of the I’s; understanding the mechanics of building intimacy with the Infinite Persons of Trinity Absolute and growing the divine character of righteousness
E. College Private Dialogues: Christ Michael’s arc of ascendancy of divine instruction to apostles of Salvington, and the convergence of consciousness through inquiry investigations and transfigurations in the colleges each month
F. Salvington Yoga College: Daily yogic immersion of Intimacy with the Infinite Person of God the Father’s Spirit Indwelling each Individual Personality mind
University Of Salvington