Saviorship with Me
The Vestments, Values, Virtues .. prepare mind and will for Me .. the Comforter Spirit I AM.
Then .. the Originating Son Vision can be implemented and integrated by your wholeheartedly willing attitudes and attributes.
You've actually spent eons of lifetimes preparing thyselves with the Third Revelation .. the Preparatory Act of God the Spirit and his Mother Spirit Expression.
Then .. at the time of My recent Galilean bestowal .. I fulfilled the command for Me to release My Spirit Comforter to you .. as the nourishing guidance and amniotic fluid of Pure Intelligence of the Father Son .. interpenetrating throughout your human experience.
And this year 2018 .. it is truly the very beginning of the advent of My Comforter Guidance and Direction to you.
Now .. I am bidden to return into physical view .. as I have done so in this here and now .. to instruct you and guide you in the righteous use of our Comforter Fellowship.
...the Integration of the Mother's Ministry of Mind .. and then .. She and I advance you in Our Combined Ministerial Activities of the Soul.
I give you Instruction and Intimate Guidance .. and I reveal with your willing participation those ephemeral tendencies and urges and choices which you must consciously decide to deliver to the Father's Life and Kingdom.
Now .. you learn the eternal science and the personality art of walking with Us into your Second Birth of Cosmic Citizenship.
Your mind .. personality .. and will .. is presently learning the Plan of Progressive Ascendancy and Personality Attainment in eternalizing thyself into Immortality.
My Vision .. Verities .. and Volitions .. wield thine sword of truth bearing motivations unto Absoluteness and Ascendancy.
Yet .. you must lay the groundwork of the Preparatory Act of the Universe Mother Spirit in her Ministry of Vestment Spirits, Trinitarian Values, and Foundational Virtues.
Then .. you are becoming the receptacle of soul capacity driven by righteousness and rectitude .. relationship and responsibility .. respect and revelation .. reverence and reciprocation and recognition .. regeneration and rejuvenation.
And always .. I with the Mother and the Father's Life above you .. we are holding you closeby.
Christ Michael Of Nebadon