Serve with Me

The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readJul 22, 2019

Give heed unto the voice of she and he who crieth: "I have foundeth my Light within .. and this same Light and Life is in one and all."

All personalities are of the Universal Parenthood of Life. All are brought forth from his Mighty Hand of Love. All are created to expand his Life in themselves, and thereby, to bringeth forward into expression, experience, and existence his Existential Perfection.

Thus, do I speaketh joyously amongst the nations of the earth saying, "Where art the ennobled ones who have arisen their character into the majesty of truthfulness and love?

Where might be the receptive ones who love God the Mother Father Source, and who desire to be alike unto Her?"

My Administration holds in the palm of its hand this universe of trillions of personalities with the Life of God the Immaculate One blended often as one unified being. You are each striving for this unifying experience with the spirit of Life .. thine own Indwelling and Individualized portion of his Life in you.

Arise and come unto Me all who love God the Nameless Infinity and Parenthood Source who is Infinite Person .. Untold Goodness and Happiness .. Ineffable Truth and Majesty of Character .. hos All-Adoring Nature is worthy to emulate and partake of .. in order to become as She is in His glory and gentleness.

Bringeth unto Me thine emotional hurt and thine personal pains and struggles and problems, and I shall showeth thee freedom from all your negativity and immaturity. I shall renew thine faithful heart and embolden thine courage to seeketh Unconditional Love and Acceptance.

I bringeth the Father's eternity understandings for all life irregardless of your chosen religious persuasions, your location in the world, your personality preferences .. My approach is for each individual to expand their potentials as child of God unto a true son and daughter of the Infinite Persons of Trinity Parenthood.

A new understanding is necessary for each one to arise and serve the great plan of salvation.

Serve humanity by standing in your truthfulness in each moment, and I shall cause a great reordering in you unto Harmony and Order and Balance and Justice and Mercy.

Serve the kingdoms of life upon the earth by upholding your daily walk into the Absoluteness of the Life in thee.

Serve the universes by claiming thine righteousness, respect and dignity, reverence for the one Life, and thy rightful creative nature. Allow thine emerging and immortal soul personality to flourish and become nurtured. Claim thine divine identity within the Father's Life residing in thee.

I am Michael Of Salvington .. personification of the Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son .. the Love and Mercy of God the Sevenfold reaching outward to all the creation.

I serve as one with the Universe Spirit as We prepare all normal personality minds for their greater receptivity and advancement, their conscious receipt of forgiveness, and their ability to enter the Kingdom of God.

Thine progressive ascendancy unto the many awaiting worlds overflowing with civilizations of light and life is something truly to behold...

Michael Of Nebadon



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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