Sovereign Country Village World Servers of the Holy Comforter
Verily, shall I tell you of my plan for the earth to becometh immersed in Light .. to becometh ennobled in Life .. and to becometh enraptured in Love for the Indescribable Trinitarian Parenthood of Life...
At my Holy Comforter World Retreat there shall be a monthly conclave lecture series at the Global Village Planetary Retreat of Michael Of Nebadon.
The World Server Sovereign Country Villages and the Holy Comforter Sovereign Country Village World Servers shall gather together in luminous conditions of collaboration and cooperation with the Heavenly Association of the Planetary Host.
The Individual Personalities coming forward to serve with me as Holy Comforter Sovereign Country Village World Servers are wholeheartedly willing to become trained as world servers, teachers, and leaders of my 21st Century Gospel; a membership ofWorld Servers of the New Humanity Sovereign Legions acting in unison together with the Heavenly Association of the Planetary Host.
The Host of the Heavenly Ones have been waiting millions of years for dedicated and strong individuals to come forth .. and to stand forth .. to hold the anchor point positions upon the earth, so that the Host Administration can pour through them the luminous radiation of Life and Light and the transformative Power of Love.
These ones .. the World Servers .. shall be anchoring in appreciation and love the Universal Father’s Life Emanations, they shall be learning the divinely demanding devotions of a World Server, and they shall becometh a Sovereign Shepherd .. a Sovereign Country Village World Server distributing this empowering and eternalizing divine radiation of the Planetary Administration Host who 'step down' into humanity’s use the Holy Spirit of the Universe Mother.
I envision this as an activity of my Holy Comforter World Retreat .. whereby our monthly conclaves for the Sovereign Country Village World Server shall accelerate the vibratory atmospheres around the planetary field.
I sayeth unto you beloved ones who recognize my second coming .. and who abide with me in this my 21st Century Bestowal Mission establishing the Fifth Epochal Revelation upon the civilization...
And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance and enduring peace.
If professed believers bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives, they are dead; the Spirit of Truth is not in them; they are useless branches on the living vine and they will soon be taken away.
Michael Of Nebadon
Holy Comforter World Retreat