Sovereign Shepherds of Christ Michael

The Sovrnty Foundation
3 min readOct 29, 2021

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Sovereign Shepherds of the Flame

Imperium College of the World Server
ad servitium veritas get vita

Planetary Isles of Light and Life and Soul Learning Villages

Holy Comforter World Retreat

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Sovereign Shepherds of the Flame -

The Leaders and Teachers, Healers and Servers of the 21st Century Gospel Revelations of Christ Michael and the Orvonton Commission of Celestial Revelators with the Nebadon Revelatory Commission will begin to assume more of the responsibilities for the planetary progressive evolutionary epochs.

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia

Holy Comforter World Retreat

Imperium College of the World Server

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds

Planetary Prince Isles and Global Learning Soul Villages of Light and Life

New Humanity Schools of Personality Training and Soul Advancement

Planetary Prince World Cultural Center of the Arts and Philosophy

Material Son and Daughter Worldwide Edenic Gardens of Light and Life

Upon the Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum

Upon the Sea of Glass Daily Gazette

Come, Follow Me
The Good Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

“Ye shall be living, learning, and teaching the Revelations of my 21st Century Gospel. All human lives shall unwrap their existence through this personal spirit-led relationship with the Father's Individualized Life."

Michael Of Nebadon

Walking with Christ Michael
The Beautiful Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

“I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these natural and sovereign inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness designed to ensure good and responsive individual self-government in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.”

Michael Of Nebadon

Teaching the Way of Christ Michael
The True Shepherd
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparency

"As ye rely upon thine Indwelling Adjuster Spirit in teaching and guiding you, and as ye are receiving and then living my gospel, so shall you each become mutually edified whilst rejoicing together in knowingly understanding that you have found My Way, Truth, and Life."

Michael Of Nebadon

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds
Our congregations shall hold a focus upon unwrapping and revealing the revelations of the teaching gospel of the Master through open and concentrated group discussions of Christ Michael’s 1st century and 21st century gospel as revealed in his modern-day writings, verbal teachings, and the Urantia Papers of the Orvonton Commission.

As a Shepherd of Love and Patience, you each are demonstrating your hunger for Truth to grow in the minds of my children, for loving acceptance to mature in the personality of my congregants, and for mercy's angelic legions to minister unto all with a humble, childlike, and receptive heart; in loving those who the Father and I bring into these Planetary Isles of Light and Life and the Soul Advancement Learning Villages, you teach by the humble and devoted demonstration of your own learning acceptance and accountability, you are learning to be selfless in your giving generosity, you are growing in the capacity to be of true supreme fellowship amongst your brethren by patience and purity of motivations and intentions, by attentiveness of heart, by counseling together in the proper understandings of my gospel of freedom by humbly and honestly receiving my children, by leading example as you allow my children to unburden their minds and hearts in private confessionals, by orienting newly called teachers, leaders, and healers, as you all learn how to prepare thyselves for the greater works, and by mercifully and humbly teaching by the Spirit of generosity and loving compassion, whilst hearing from my children all with similar struggles and sufferings, experiences of evolutionary growth and learning in a cooperative and collegial atmosphere of unconditional love and purity, intelligence and forgiveness.

Michael Of Nebadon

Write to our Office of First Contact and Planetary Alliance



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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