Sovereign World Servers

Calling upon all the Sovereign World Servers who shall come with Me forward into their fuller God empowerment to take back the earth from the darkness.

Become thou .. it is time to reveal thyselves and to be the World Teachers, World Leaders, World Healers, and World Servers of the Infinity Will .. for as you step forth with Me by answering My call unto thee .. I shall quicken thee unto thine Full Empowerment capable of embodying a greater portion of Life's Luminosity.

Come forth with Me to extinguish all the misuse of destructive free will .. by thine commanding invitation to the omnipotence of God's Love.

I .. Michael Of Nebadon .. Michael Sananda Maitreya .. do call upon all Sovereign Personalities who desire with the fullest passion of their commanding heart .. to raise the native population .. to quicken every Life Kingdom on the planet .. with the concentrated desire and constructively qualified will .. the cooperative collaboration of Humanity.

I ask from My Universal Heart to your own Individualized Hearts to step forth and be wholeheartedly willing to embody more of God's Holy Light .. His Life .. and His Unconquerable Love.

Join Me as a Sovereign World Leader .. a Sovereign World Server .. a Sovereign World Healer of this planetary civilization.

Michael Of Nebadon



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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