Student Fellows of Salvington...
I come offering opportunities for the Kingdoms of the earth to expand in you.
Opportunities for the renewal of mind .. the regeneration of heart .. and the refreshing rejuvenation of thine personality soul.
My Spirit of Truth pervades all space within the planetary atmosphere awaiting your reception .. your asking hu ger .. your wholehearted desire .. your willingness to learn from Me .. your soul vesture of vestment urges, personality values, soul virtues, to open wide in its receptivity.
Lo, thou be attentive to what I shall tell thee .. the evolutionizing Impulse of Eternity brings a great advancement to he and she who arise to ask, knock, penetrate and acknowledge...
Go thou forth .. seek thine greater understandings .. implement thine new knowledge .. arise unto Me.
I look for the following personhood progressions in the life of individuals who shall make themselves readily available to live, implement, and preach my gospel to the populace:
Acknowledgment of the God Ideal of the Trinity Persons of Deity
Appreciation for and Attunement to the Individualized God Identity of your own Highest God Expression Individualized
Alignment with thine God Individualized Stream of Life descending continually as You
Achievement Expression of the God Impulse of the Animating Power and Will in expression as You
Acceleration into thine Individualized Godhood bringing a God Immersion whilst flooding your field of consciousness here in its preparations for service as a Sun Presence
Attributes and Attitudes of God Integrity aligning all the four lower bodies with your God Identity in expression
Advancement unto the higher purposes and perspectives allowing for God Insight and Divine Perception in the acknowledgement and adoration of the One Fountainhead of Existence
Awakenedness unto the ever Attainable God Illumination in the Fulfillment of this Preparatory Act of Prayerful Intimacy Transfiguration for...
Ascendancy unto the Deity Vesture of his Will giving you Cosmic Citizenship, Universe Attainment, and God Immortality in the Resurrection and Ascension into your Fuller God Identity and the Second Birth of Universal Citizenship.
I sayeth unto you .. go thou forth and learn of My Way. And as you progress in your understandings, as you show thyselves immersed in God Faith and Trust, God Acknowledgment, God Appreciation, God Alignment, God Asking, God Immersion .. then shall I ordain you to preach the gospel of the Kingdom.
As you advance in understanding, and as you heal yourselves of tbe many self-created affluctions in mind and body .. miracles of healing becometh a possibility.
These evolutionary and miraculous achievements are the result of the alignments with Eternal Law. They occur in the course of my earth ministry and mission with needful individuals who approach me for sincere help; only as certain attitudes and attributes of faithful and trusting deliverance are developed; that a mutuality exists within them between God who lives within and above them and their mortal humble human persona who hath developed a surrender attitude .. thus, a coexistence of the following three powerful, potent, and associated influences in the individual's progressive ascent through the planetary evolution hath given evidence of the emergence of self-consciousness, self-directive faith-rearing governorship, self-determination, and self-creative empowerment and attainment with God the Father Mother:
1. The presence of strong, dominant, and living faith in the heart of the human being who persistently seeks healing, together with the fact that such healing is desired for its spiritual benefits rather than for purely physical restoration; that you desire to heal because these healing changes are necessary for your progression into light and life.
2. The existence, concomitant with such human faith, of my great sympathy and compassion .. my incarnated mercy-dominated Persona, wherein I am in possession of from above in my Person that Father Son Spirit Reality and Empowerment .. unlimited and timeless in its creative healing powers and prerogatives.
3. Along with the faith of the creature and the life of the Creator .. I come as the personified expression of the Father’s will.
Hence beloveds, as there emerges a sincerely-held contact of thine human need joining together with the divine power to meet it that need .. and as our Universal Father does not will otherwise .. these two impulses become one Impulse and Activity .. and only then, healing occurs naturally and without any coercion nor effort on my part.
To better understand my healing miracles of evolutionary acceleration .. ye shall knoweth that all healings are to be found in the one great law, and this law which has long been known to your race is, namely, What every Creator Son desires and the eternal Father wills simply Is.
In my personal presence actively engaging my children .. certain forms of profound human faith are literally and truly compelling in the manifestation of all healing possibilities .. certain universal creative forces and personalities of the universe who are at this time so intimately associated with the Son of Man and his mission ministry upon the plains of the earth.
It becomes a fact of record upon the akasha of the earth that my Persona here is a frequently empowering force of heavenly will which propels the suffering of all creatures to spontaneously heal .. that you becometh fulfilled in the great law of our association of ascendancy by beginning to heal thyselves in my presence, and by your powerful and personal faithful trustful attitudes of all deliverance.
Christ Michael
21st Century Americas Tour