The Colleges of Salvington
The Colleges are dedicated to the Preparation, Illumination, and Ascendancy of Humanity and the Kingdoms of Urantia; the universe-ascension career of a mortal candidate for Adjuster fusion, that being the high destiny in prospect for all Urantia mortals.
Illuminatum College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the First Ray
College Study Hall of Character Illumination of the Preparations for Universe Association, Apostleship, and Ascendancy
Ascendancia College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Second Ray
College Study Hall Of Free Will Ethical Decision and Moral Determination Desire
Eternalis College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Third Ray
College Study Hall Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception
Supremacia College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Fourth Ray
College Study Hall Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity
Infinitas College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Fifth Ray
College Study Hall Of Purity and Progressive Ascension
Universalis College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Sixth Ray
College Study Hall Of Healing Emanation and Power
Resurrectionem College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Seventh Ray
College Study Hall Of Service and Resurrection Christhood
Salutem College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Eighth Ray
College Study Hall Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration
Absoluta College
Temple of the Holy Kumaras Retreat of the Ninth Ray
College Study Hall Of Yoga Wholeness and Immortality
Holy Kumaras Yoga Studio
Trinity College
White Lily Temple Retreat of the Tenth Ray
College Study Hall Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender
Order of the White Lily Lodge of Salvington
Imperium College
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Eleventh Ray
College Study Hall Of the Islands of Illumination
Of the World Server
Michael of Nebadon Worldwide Communions, Confessionals, and Congregations
Planetary College of Associates
Trinity Temple Retreat of the Twelfth Ray
College Study Hall of Association and Ascendancy
Liberi College
Children's Garden of the Divine Minister and Heavenly Host
College Hall of the Angelic Kingdom
University of Salvington
Trinity Temple Retreat
University Study Hall of the Orders of the Universe Administration
New School of the Planetary Prince
Governing Trustees of Salvington