The Cosmic Citizen of Nebadon
Cosmic understandings have their basis in probity; where there is beauty, there is divinity.
I sayeth unto thee .. the chords of thine heart are as strings of a violin; touching maketh music when rightly maneuvered; touching maketh discord when the fingers are clumsy.
My beloved, hear my voice: except ye be open to sanctionings of beauty, ye cannot have the wisdom that abideth with you as you grow and prosper.
Harken and learn! Thine feet are the means of transporting you about, hands are the means of giving you expression, eyes are the organs for perceiving the hem of the One Infinity, brain is the garment of physical thought.
These are the means whereby ye know life, and all these together are parts of a whole which work in perfect harmonies as you arise into Universal Citizenship.
Michael Of Nebadon