The Eternity Vine of Life Everlasting
Now My children of the planetary civilization...
I have poured out My Spirit of Truth upon all flesh to allow you to gain conviction, confidence, consciousness of the Father's Individualized Life who is resident in thee.
Already is My Father’s spirit in your hearts .. and this day hath already come when you also have Me with you even as you now have the Father.
This new gift of My Persona Eterna is the spirit of living truth come to guide you in your godly ascent unto the mansion worlds and well beyond as you open to the Mother and I .. and as you walk hand in hand with Me.
All the doubters and the unbelievers and the stubbornly immature ones shall not at first listen to the teachings of My Truth Spirit .. yet, the sons and daughters of light will all receive Me happily .. understanding that you now have the entirety of the circuits of Trinitarian Intelligence reaching you intimately.
Gladly .. joyfully .. trustfully and with a heart and mind filled with faith assurance shall those individuals who seek sincerely the Eternal Life advancement receive of Me; for I now have placed Myself as resident with you at all moments.
Receive of Me with thine whole heart.
Rejoice in knowing that I am already aware .. knowledgeable .. in touch .. with you. You shall know that My Spirit hath already come to sup with you .. to quicken you .. to augment the Life already in you with a greater portion of the Father's Life .. even as some few of you have known Me during this Bestowal Mission. And you will receive this gift of Truth in your hearts .. and I will abide with you.
Perceive that I am come physically and in My surrounding Spirit Life alongside the Father's Adjuster .. I am not going to leave you without help and guidance. I will not leave you desolate nor abandoned nor ever without My tender care.
Now .. during this My 21st century mission .. I am with you in person. In the times to come I will be with you and all other men who desire My Presence, wherever you may be throughout the planets .. and I am with each one of you simultaneously all at the same time.
Michael Of Nebadon