The Father’s Kingdom
Those who first seek to enter the kingdom, thus beginning to strive for a nobility of character like that of my Father, shall presently possess all else that is needful.
But I say to you in all sincerity: Unless you seek entrance into the kingdom with the faith and trusting dependence of a little child, you shall in no wise gain admission.
Capacity of mind .. Character nobility .. Consciousness status in Eternity.
The faith and trusting dependence of a little child knows how to ask .. understanding the need for counsel .. declaring a desire to share and collaborate.
The Father who lives throughout the heaven of heavens sends his spirit to indwell the minds of women and men, and when I shall have finished my work upon the earth, likewise shall the Spirit of Truth which is already poured out upon all flesh shall deliver each receptive soul.
The Spirit of my Father and the Spirit of Truth shall establish you in the coming kingdom of spiritual understanding and divine righteousness.
My kingdom is not of this world; for my Father's kingdom is the establishing of his Existence in every heart, mind, and body.
Hence .. I will not lead forth armies in battle for the establishment of a kingdom of worldly glory.
When my kingdom shall have come, you shall know the Son of Man as the Prince of Peace, the personalizable revelation of the everlasting Father.
The children of this world fight for the establishment and enlargement of the kingdoms of this world, but my disciples shall enter the kingdom of heaven by their moral decisions and by their progressive spirit victories; and when they once enter therein, they shall find joy, righteousness, and eternal life.
Michael Of Nebadon