The Foundations of Religious Faith
This revelation explores the foundations of religious faith and contrasts it with the perspectives of science, philosophy, and pure intellectualism. It emphasizes that religious faith is born in the human heart when moral consciousness recognizes the possibility of translating human values into spiritual, divine, and eternal realities. This faith is not merely a primitive or evolutionary sense of duty, but a higher and more certain belief in the eternal truths revealed through religious experience. The document highlights the role of the Thought Adjuster in facilitating this transformation.
The text argues that while science relies on observable facts in the material world, religion draws its strength from the spiritual program of eternity. It acknowledges that human understanding of both science and religion is imperfect and subject to limitations. However, it suggests that the certainty offered by religion surpasses the probabilities offered by science. This is because science appeals primarily to the intellect, while religion engages the whole personality — body, mind, and spirit.
The revelation further delves into the nature of religious experience, emphasizing its transformative power and its ability to provide a sense of certainty and stability amidst the uncertainties of life. It distinguishes between knowledge, wisdom, and insight, highlighting the role of revelation in providing access to true reality. It also discusses the interplay of fact, value, and reality in shaping our understanding of the cosmos.
The excerpt concludes by asserting the supremacy of purposive potential in the universe, suggesting that the unfolding of the purposive mandates of Deity guides the evolutionary process. It emphasizes the certainty of religious faith, contrasting it with the skepticism and doubt that often accompany intellectual inquiry. It argues that religious experience offers a direct and personal encounter with God, leading to a sense of certainty that transcends intellectual reasoning. Finally, the document presents the evidences of religion, highlighting the transformative power of faith in human experience and its impact on moral judgments and ethical standards.
Urantia Communion