The Great Ideologies of Truth
Good Day thou dwellers in The City of Christ Michael.
Your civilization is traversing through an ideological challenge and an atmospheric battlefield .. as the search for Lasting Truth and Absolute Reality is sought after.
This now .. is the beginning of the end .. for theologies which have attempted to fix and formulate ideas about the One Reality and Its very Center and Source in the Infinite Persons of the Unnameable One.
You will bear witness to the shaking of all ideas having no basis in Reality .. these shall fall away.
Those fallen perspectives grown out of the subjectivity and opinions of mortal personalities wanting to be an authority over others for the express agenda of oppression and subservience .. these will be collapsing.
The organized sects and cults of the many man-made religions shall quiver and shake brutally to their endings .. these shall become conquered by personal prayerful intimacy and direct communion which proves itself to be impervious to manipulation and any kinds of erroneous control; you each have a personal destiny to bring forth with Me.
Every mortal agenda and ill-gotten idealogy that has attempted to define and dogmatize faith shall become a relic of the past centuries for the civilization.
In thy human life of faith stands the Supreme Opportunity for a dynamic and personal faith .. a living trust of communion .. an original and spontaneously grown relationship that you shall participate within regarding the Universal Father and his Paradise Life which is bestowed right within you.
Always .. have I taught and upheld the true approach to awaken your divinity relation with the Source of your Life. And this religious relationship is purely spiritual .. absolutely religious in the true and eternal meaning of these terms.
This faith trust and personal living communion is not reverence for opinion .. neither is it built by tradition or the fallacies of using merely the mortal mind to create an intellectual belief which holds you captive.
Thine destiny is to become enlivened and invigorated by Our sublime personality experience with a prepersonal Spirit Life, and with the Trinity Parenthood of Infinite Deity.
Profoundly and purely shall you find the Universal Father who is Spirit and Truth .. and you shall discover an impulse growing in you to become as he is.
In your character and personality soul .. your values and virtues .. your vision and volitions .. and these shall become strengthened as you practice daily My verities. Validations will appear, and these inner validations will prove to you that you are heading in the right direction .. walking in the right way .. advancing aling the proper corridors of unearthing your divinity and life.
And as you reach for Me .. as you welcome the Mother and the Planetary Host of the Heavens .. as you grow in your soul receptivity for the Father's Life in thee .. and as you engage within our fellowship .. so shall I amplify your faith trust .. ennoble your meanings and understandings .. enhance all vision and purpose by maturing your values .. your moral sightedness .. your decion-making .. so great shall be your enhancements that your faith trust in the goodness of God will become alive and all-potent .. and all-encompassingly real shall he emanate from you his Life, that ye shall shall experience his imminently loving heart right where you find yourself.
For the Father's Life and Kingdom is not afar .. yet ever is he right in you .. and as the Life you ultimately are .. and the Life that I am.
Michael Of Nebadon