The Ideals of Glory
The Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Communion upholds these seven tenets for each holy communion, as the individual and the community come together in Advancing the Kingdom of God the Supreme by the following edicts of intention:
In Entering the Kingdom of God the Supreme in Socialization and Service with the Sisterhood and Brotherhood of all Kingdoms of Life.
In Building Personally Fulfilling Intimate Associations, Friendships, and Relationships as you Traverse Worlds upon Worlds of Exquisite Grandeur and Ineffable Truth and Beauty and Goodness
In Fostering Care and Consideration of all Others, while Nurturing Compassionate Loving Mercy, Healing, and Forgiveness
In Communion of Mind and Heart, Relationship with every Member, and Communication within the Universal Vine of Life while serving and advancing the Supremacy of God
In Arising in Consciousness and Achieving the Will of the Universal First Person of Deity
In Nurturing the Wholeness of your Dutiful Responsibility to God the Supreme
Ideals of Personality Soul Growth:
Truthfulness, Directness of Communication without Protectionism, and without Evading, Avoiding, Hiding, Ignoring, Defending, Disappearing, nor Creating Intentional Distancing and the techniques of the lower nature in fostering Separation and nurturing Divisions and Disunity
Vulnerability, Psychological Nakedness, and Harmlessness without Seeking Power over others
Humility and a Contriteness of the Heart, an Openness and the Right Motivations in developing Righteousness of Character and Soul Growth and Receptivity Development
Transparency, Revealing, Defenselessness, and Caring about the Supreme Body of Life
Trustworthiness, Availability, Reliability, and Dependability of Relationship with Communication
Tenacity, the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip; sheer tenacity; persistence; pertinacity; determination; perseverance; implacability; inflexibility; stubbornness; the quality or fact of being very determined; determination; the quality or fact of continuing to exist; persistence.
. Temerity; excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
In developing a personality character saturated in developing and growing in the Holy V’s.
Michael Of Nebadon