The Imperishable One
I have come from out of the One Infinity of Existence that I might tell ye of all these things. Spirit Life Is .. and was .. and ever shall It be. He is the begetter, who has the power of a begetter and a form-giver`s nature, that the great wealth that is hidden in him might be revealed. That he manufactureth all individualities out of himself.
His mercy and his love .. he hath brought forth and continues to bring forth as he wishes to bring forth the everlasting fruit not merely by himself .. that he might not enjoy his goodness alone, but that other personalized spirits .. other creatures might enjoy .. hence, doth he bring forth all .. that each may freely choose of the Unwavering One .. that they might bring forth body and fruit, glory and honor, in imperishableness and his infinite grace .. much so that his treasure might be revealed by the One without beginning nor ending .. the Self-begotten One who is the true God of all existence .. the begotten of every life and individual existence .. the father of every imperishableness and those that came to be afterward.
Yet .. they had not yet come into visibility. Now a great difference exists among the imperishables...
Ever shall I call out unto the awakened ones, saying .. Whoever hath ears of faith to hear and eyes of trust to see.. these shall taste of his glory and generosity .. they shall become touched by the infinities, let them hear!
I address those who are awake as I say unto thee .. Everything that comes from out of the perishable shall perish .. since it comes out from the perishable.
Yet, whatsoever comes out from the Imperishableness shall never perish .. but becomes eventually imperishable. So, many have thusly gone astray .. have lost sight.. and neither can they hear nor speak.. all because they had not known this difference and they have perished into the ephemerality.
Michael Of Nebadon