The Ineffable Infinity
The Universal Spirit Presence is One. Everywhere is this Life Spirit .. and any description is certainly beyond words and imagery.
Yet .. he is much more than One. All things are he. Every movement is being animated by his Power and Energy Presence.
By the Ineffable Infinity .. all things do find their existence and expression and experience in him.
By the Holy Breath .. all life is bound together .. woven as one. So .. if you vibrate upon the great fabric of existence .. your thoughts and feelings touch everything and everyone becomes affected.
Touch the hem of this omnipresent robe of goodness, truth, and beauty .. and all life is touched by you. You send thine reverberations from one end of Infinity to the other if that were so.
Serve with Me. Become this everpresent Christos of Wholeness. The Totality of Life is thine body and thine home. All creatures and things .. all expressions and experiences are shared amongst this One body.
Perceive the Triune Deity by seeing and understanding thine own nature...
Michael Of Nebadon