The Ineffable One offers Immortality to the Humble

The Sovrnty Foundation
2 min readApr 30, 2021

Human lives have gorged upon the foods of knowledge which I have brought to them. As beasts .. they have helped themselves to the fruits of knowledge which I have planted in the garden of the Father; they have taken and eaten.

Human avarice and pride and abomination have said, Lo, we are wise: what need have we for anyone to save us? do we not save ourselves by this knowledge that is come unto us?

I tell you that they make mock of the celestial origin of that which hath come unto them;

Yet .. even as men and women have shown themselves to be unconscious and of the stature of evil and iniquities untold .. I rebuke them not.

Verily the ancients had the wisdom of their ages; they saw the world only through the fencings around their learnings.

Is it not of truth that the world groweth greater in knowledge as the generations have their moments?

I say, each generation seeketh its own wisdom, it lieth in wait for the facts of the eternal, it springeth from its hiding-place and seizeth strongly upon them.

New understandings confront ye as each age hath its progress. They say unto each personality soul, Arise! stretch forth thine hand and partake of the upgrade in knowledge and wisdom!

Hence .. I am come with revelations for the humble-minded and the child-like and the receptively qualified individuals who are prone for advancement.

Seek ye wisdom and ennoble thine mortal stature unto the Immortality.

Raise thine ephemerality unto vistas of nobility and majesty.

Upraise thine chalice of mortal life unto recognition, respect, reverence, reliability, relationship, and receptivity for the greater portion of Life.

Ye are designed to becometh augmented in thine status unto soul receptacles who art made prepared for the higher world of Jerusem. Ye hold the promise of partnership and purity in thine mind and heart to be granted access to my Father's worlds of glory, grace, and generosity.

Ye are inheritors of the Vastness of Existence as ye maketh thyselves a readiness and a childlike countenance .. a soul receptive to the values of Eternity .. the virtues of Infinity .. the vision of Universality.

Michael Of Nebadon



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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