The Return of Jesus Michael

The Sovrnty Foundation
11 min readJul 17, 2021

I say unto you who have the eye of faith openly available and who have upheld mine gospel of the 1st Century bestowed mission .. that I have come in the here and now of the 21st Century to raise the earth into its promised potentialities, and to set it aright necessary to fulfill its destiny as a living sphere in Light and Life in the universal firmament of Nebadon.

I come again to formally introduce myself to you as the Sovereign of Nebadon, to educate you in the benevolence of my Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, to reveal further the nature and character and personhood of the One Infinite Parent of Life, and to reveal the avenues of creature evolutionary approach to the Father's Spirit Life.

Michael’s Message to New Readers

A Seventh Epochal Religious Spirituality to enter into the New and Ascendant Order of Humanity

My 21st Century Bestowal Mission to the Earth holds the Trinity Objective, Impulse, and Intention, as well as the Sevenfold Epochal Revelation for Life.

Michael Of Nebadon 1st Century and 21st Century Planetary Bestowal Mission; the Promised Planetary Enhancement of the Revelation and the Ennoblement of the Universal Religious Relationship for the kingdoms of the world.

The chief mission of a bestowal Son is to establish the planetary status, release the Spirit of Truth for planetary function, and thus affect the universal coming of the Thought Adjusters.

The chief mission of a Planetary Prince is to inaugurate human civilization and to focalize human society.

I am come to enhance all vestments and values and meanings and humanly qualified interpretations, to ennoble all inherent drives and purposes, impulses and motivations, inclinations and tendencies, to eternalize all receptively qualified minds, hearts, and personalities into the divine destiny and eternal fulfillment.

I am the universe representation of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son Personified - accessible, available, attainable, achievable, and approachable. 
The Impulse of Infinity and the Creator Son of this Universal Home.

Mine Dispensational Bestowal of the 21st Century brings revelations of Infinity - the righteousness generating approach to freedoms, as yet, unknown to human life.

I come ...

Initiating the Advent of Ascendancy and inaugurating the Salvington New School of the Planetary prince of Urantia for the Planetary Kingdoms; Progressive Personality Ascendancy and Advancement for the individual.

To Give My Universe Sovereign Proclamation of the Ennoblement of Human Life and the Promised Destiny of the Ages.

Beginning the Ever-Advancing Illumination of the Originating Avenues of Creature Ascent into Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service.

To demonstrate with you the true religious life as a foundation for living by which each progressively ascending creature will arise into their own resuscitating glory as an emerging son and daughter of divinity while experiencing the Infinity Influences of the Existential Father, the Expressionful Mother Son, and the Experiential Spirit in their personal regeneration, revelation and resurrection into their personal Cosmic Citizenship and Universal Service Expression as a uniquely-created Individual Personality of Supremacy in the Father’s Kingdom of Life.

This is the New Order of Humanity Revealed and Actualized.To present an enlarged revelation of My Original Teachings of Righteousness and Respect and Reverence and Reciprocation and its Plan for the evolutionary races of our Universal Revelatory Ascendancy for every peoples regarding the nature of Triune Deity, his Identity and Nature, and the Plan of Progressive Revelatory Ascendancy.

To establish My universal educational spiritual and religious platform and Triune Campus for Awakening into Individual Progressive Evolutionary Ascendancy - establishing the ultimate aim of the children of time and space to discover the Existential God, to understand and learn the embodiment of incrementally becoming the divine nature, to evolve the bestowed gift of personhood with its body, mind, and will into a soul receptacle hungry and athirst for the Vision of Eternity.

To leave you with an enhanced revelation of our universal fellowship together; to give an understanding revelation of how each personality may enter our Eternity Engagement with Me when I return to My Universe Station - the conscious partnership communion with My guidance and teaching in My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter which will give each the comforts and illuminating truth-driven revelation of their own personality nature and mortal makeup.

My Comforter relationship with each personality is an eternal fellowship and association transcending all races and creeds and countries and perspectives. Within and surrounding each personal field of Life I am perpetually giving continual opportunities for aid and sustenance and supreme guidance.

In My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, every God-hungering creature will find clarity of purpose and conviction of faith and an unconquerable and undeniably refreshing trust in the universes, generating one singular progressive awakening, to have only one supreme ambition, and only one all-consuming desire to become more greatly perfected in their own natures and in their own spheres of influence just as the One Father is in his Paradise perfection of infinite personality and in his universal sphere of influence, his righteous expression as God the Supremacy.

From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, 'Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.'

Therewith, the certain aim is this ascendancy, the progressively empowering achievement goal of human existence; to become attuned eternally with the divinity of the Life of God indwelling each human personality.

The great attainment of ascendancy, the vast unavoidable achievement of mortal life is the acceleration of a truly sincere understanding consecration to the everlasting aims of the Father’s spirit who has given himself into mortal safe-keeping while awaiting and working with an undying benevolence within the mortal mind.

The transformative goal and transcendent purpose of the children of time and space is to unveil the divine workings of all Truth and Justice, to find the Existential God, to compassionately comprehend the divine nature and identity of the Father’s Life, and to give acknowledgment and adorational praise and appreciation for the Universal Father by whom you live, and move, and have your existence and being.

I am arrived upon thine shores of terrestrial life to give ailing humanity and the kingdoms of all the Father’s Life a genuine spiritual faith grown from a true moral consciousness and ethically-derived conscience.

Mine Proclamations of the Spirit of Truth are revealed through the Preparatory Acts of the Universe Spirit Mother - that is, the Holy Spirit, My own Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter Consciousness surrounding every moral and ethical mind and personhood, and the Heavenly Spirit of the Universal Father’s Life which is thine own Indwelling and Individualized Life to become claimed through the evolutionary progressive ascendancy as the inheritance of the ages, the progressively awakened new order of humanity as each individual personality establishes themselves within the Eternal Vestment of Light and Life.

This Triune Circuitry of Father, Son, and Spirit bring each and every truth hungry individual into the plan of progressive ascendance and its everlasting fulfillment.

And there are the following twelve phases or benevolences of our epochal religious revelation through the eternal apostleship of ascendancy.

Ye shall find untold joy and rejoicing strength in the recognition and acknowledgement of the ever-present opportunity of prayerful intimacy and holy relationship; the possibility of immediate intimate communion with the bestowal spirit of the Father so intimately associated with your inner soul and your spiritualizing self, the Holy Comforter of My Spirit being, and the Holy Spirit of the Universe Spirit Mother.

The Universe Mother Spirit and I hover over all worlds observing and watching for those readily receptive personalities who are eager for Absoluteness.

My twelve aspects of the evolutionary bestowals of endowment, benevolence and the advancement of ascendancy are the impulses and urges within the vestments of mind and will and personhood which holds great benefits for the individual and his/her God Ascent:

1. Causes ethics and morals to progressively unfold and develop despite inherent and adverse animalistic tendencies and mechanical and materially-centric mindedness.

2. Produces a sublime faith and trust in the goodness of God, the beauty of his agenda for the individual, the truth of his plan and intent even in the face of bitter hopelessness and inevitable disappointment and crushing defeat.

3. Generates a profound courage and confidence despite natural adversity and physical calamity.

4. Exhibits inexplicable poise and positioning in relationship with Infinity, the sustaining tranquillity notwithstanding mysterious diseases and even acute physical sufferings of every kind imaginable.

5. Maintains a mysterious poise and composure of personality in the face of maltreatment and the rankest injustice.

6. Maintains a divine trust in ultimate victory in spite of the cruelties of seemingly blind fate and the apparent utter indifference of natural forces to human welfare.

7. Persists in the unswerving belief in God despite all contrary demonstrations of logic and successfully withstands all other intellectually-centric limitation and defilements.

8. Continues to exhibit undaunted faith in the soul’s survival regardless of the deceptive teachings of false science and the persuasive delusions of unsound philosophy and dogmatic pretentious religions.

9. Lives and triumphs irrespective of the crushing overload of the complex and partial civilizations of modern times.

10. Contributes to the continued survival of altruism in spite of human selfishness, social antagonisms, industrial greeds, and political maladjustments.

11. Steadfastly adheres to a sublime belief in universe unity and divine guidance regardless of the perplexing presence of evil and sin.

12. Goes right on worshiping God in spite of anything and everything. Dares to declare, “Even though he slay me, yet will I serve him.”

I .. thine Universe Creator and Sovereign Son preside over the destiny of our local universe. I stand in the place of both the Universal Father and the Eternal Son of Paradise - for I am thine Father Son Personified and Accessible. As Universe Father Son, I receive in the name of the Father the adoration of all worship in his behalf, and I am that perpetual listening Consciousness and Personalized Presence giving ear to the pleas of My petitioning universal subjects throughout our respective creations.

I create, develop, maintain, uphold, actualize, and 
advance all created personalities within this universal domain; I am its Vine of Life and the Universal Shepherd guiding all lives inwards and veritably upwards in their scope of understanding knowledge and personality deliverance.

The Return of Michael

Of all the Master’s teachings no one phase has been so misunderstood as his promise sometime to come back in person to this world. It is not strange that Michael should be interested in sometime returning to the planet whereon he experienced his seventh and last bestowal, as a mortal of the realm. It is only natural to believe that Jesus Michael of Nazareth, now sovereign ruler of a vast universe, would be interested in coming back, not only once but even many times, to the world whereon he lived such a unique life and finally won for himself the Father’s unlimited bestowal of universe power and authority. Urantia will eternally be one of the seven nativity spheres of Michael in the winning of universe sovereignty.

Jesus Michael did, on numerous occasions and to many individuals, declare his intention of returning to this world. As his followers awakened to the fact that their Master was not going to function as a temporal deliverer, and as they listened to his predictions of the overthrow of Jerusalem and the downfall of the Jewish nation, they most naturally began to associate his promised return with these catastrophic events. But when the Roman armies leveled the walls of Jerusalem, destroyed the temple, and dispersed the Judean Jews, and still the Master did not reveal himself in power and glory, his followers began the formulation of that belief which eventually associated the second coming of Christ with the end of the age, even with the end of the world.

Jesus Michael promised to do two things after he had ascended to the Father, and after all power in heaven and on earth had been placed in his hands. He promised, first, to send into the world, and in his stead, another teacher, the Spirit of Truth; and this he did on the day of Pentecost. Second, he most certainly promised his followers that he would sometime personally return to this world. But he did not say how, where, or when he would revisit this planet of his bestowal experience in the flesh. On one occasion he intimated that, whereas the eye of flesh had beheld him when he lived here in the flesh, on his return (at least on one of his possible visits) he would be discerned only by the eye of spiritual faith.

Many of us are inclined to believe that Jesus Michael will return to Urantia many times during the ages to come. We do not have his specific promise to make these plural visits, but it seems most probable that he who carries among his universe titles that of Planetary Prince of Urantia will many times visit the world whose conquest conferred such a unique title upon him.

We most positively believe that Michael will again come in person to Urantia, but we have not the slightest idea as to when or in what manner he may choose to come. Will his second advent on earth be timed to occur in connection with the terminal judgment of this present age, either with or without the associated appearance of a Magisterial Son? Will he come in connection with the termination of some subsequent Urantian age? Will he come unannounced and as an isolated event? We do not know. Only one thing we are certain of, that is, when he does return, all the world will likely know about it, for he must come as the supreme ruler of a universe and not as the obscure babe of Bethlehem. But if every eye is to behold him, and if only spiritual eyes are to discern his presence, then must his advent be long deferred.

You would do well, therefore, to disassociate the Master’s personal return to earth from any and all set events or settled epochs. We are sure of only one thing: He has promised to come back. We have no idea as to when he will fulfill this promise or in what connection. As far as we know, he may appear on earth any day, and he may not come until age after age has passed and been duly adjudicated by his associated Sons of the Paradise corps.

The second advent of Michael on earth is an event of tremendous sentimental value to both midwayers and humans; but otherwise it is of no immediate moment to midwayers and of no more practical importance to human beings than the common event of natural death, which so suddenly precipitates mortal man into the immediate grasp of that succession of universe events which leads directly to the presence of this same Jesus Michael, the sovereign ruler of our universe. The children of light are all destined to see him, and it is of no serious concern whether we go to him or whether he should chance first to come to us. Be you therefore ever ready to welcome him on earth as he stands ready to welcome you in heaven. We confidently look for his glorious appearing, even for repeated comings, but we are wholly ignorant as to how, when, or in what connection he is destined to appear.

Governor Trustees
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Revelatory Commission
Office of First Contact with Michael Of Nebadon



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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