The Road to the Trinity Parenthood
I have come to show that human beings .. by entrance into the kingdom .. are participating consciously within the great procession inwards .. they are actively and with their conscious mind's consent and faith conviction and trustworthy imagination progressively ascending certainly and surely upwards to God and his divine perfection.
It is a long long road to embrace the divine perfection as you are given appointment into greater and greater worlds in accordance with your entire personality development towards moral character, ethical choices, collegial fellowship, trinitarian values and universal cultural virtues, Adjuster atunement, and the very realization of the Godlife within.
Any being who in any manner falls short of the divine and spiritual ideals of the eternal Father’s will is potentially evil because of their all too gratuitous believing of their subjective opinions.. yet such beings are in no sense sinful, and much less iniquitous which are states of deliberate and open defiance and consciously upheld rebellion.
The religious approach to life that I demonstrate and teach to humanity will raise your understandings and elevate your mind's attentiveness to realities heavenly .. clarifying and illuminating your true purpose .. growing up your meanings and values.
Spirituality .. the spiritualizing influence of your Life Adjuster .. will gradually quicken your urges and desires for higher meanings and understandings.
Give thyselves to this indwelling leading of the Spirit Adjuster who is God in you from the Universal Father, and who is with you at all times to prepare your mind unto soul receptivity .. to mature your creative nature unto accountable tendencies and trustworthy inclinations .. to redeem thine will powers for advancement.
The Adjuster is the religious reality sent by the Father of Lights to each moral creature; that every personality of life hath already the indwelling Godhood which must be made actual in their life experiences.
Allow Me the great privilege to share My revelations with you .. brought to the earth for every moral personhood to read, contemplate, study, awaken, and apply, advancing themselves unto the greater morontial soul worlds .. the higher spheres of our educational system wherein unification and integration with the Spirit Life of the Father's Life occurs.
(1104.4) 101:1.1 True religion is not a system of philosophic belief which can be reasoned out and substantiated by natural proofs, neither is it a fantastic and mystic experience of indescribable feelings of ecstasy which can be enjoyed only by the romantic devotees of mysticism.
Religion is not the product of reason, but viewed from within, it is altogether reasonable.
Religion is not derived from the logic of human philosophy, but as a mortal experience it is altogether logical.
Religion is the experiencing of divinity in the consciousness of a moral being of evolutionary origin; it represents true experience with eternal realities in time, the realization of spiritual satisfactions while yet in the flesh.
Michael Of Nebadon