The Second Advent of Christ Michael
Michael Of Nebadon First Century and Twenty-First Century Planetary Advent of the Holy Comforter Spirit of Truth
Students on our Virtual Worldwide Campus of Salvington, the Planetary Prince School, practice the precepts of the way, truth, and life each day .. in a collegial atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration and harmonious consideration together where Individuality flourishes, and the awareness of Eternity grows deeply in the mind and heart and soul of each student.
I am come .. entering inside the creation as the Living Word of the Father Son Spirit .. extending Existence for all to be nourished and fed and advanced with God's glorious Light and Life .. His Limitless Love.
In My Universe Station, I exist outside of creation in the expanded reality of the Father Son Spirit, so that, I hold the entire Universe of Nebadon in the palm of My Hand.
You might believe that the atomic substance is tiny .. that, for example, the electrons are small micro-beings, yet I say unto you, that you each are just as the electrons; your surrounding reality and atmosphere, your environment, your society, and planetary life is exactly the same as the atmosphere and surrounding society of the "tiny" electron beings. You are "tiny" as well, when viewed from my Universe Station. And you are potentially awakening as the Consciousness of Supremacy as your individual destiny unfolds.
I enter thine own micro-reality of the planets, as the Word of Eternity hailing from out of the Great Fountainhead of Existence, Expression, and Experience .. bringing forth into light and life all lives on every level of My universe creation whilst continually creating, preserving, upholding, ministering to, attending to with the utmost love, advancing and nourishing, and ascending progressively each tender branch upon the Vine of Life I AM with loving care and limitless mercy.
I am the way of God Authority.
I am the truth of Personal Authorship.
I am the life of Progressive Achievement .. Advancement .. Attainment .. Ascendancy.
The Life of Existence and Eternity is everywhere .. as everything .. and is unfolding as everyone.
This One Life is sentient, alive, conscious feeling knowing Life...
He and she who come unto Me .. who learn My reciprocal religious spirituality .. who walk every day in this relational approach of actualization .. they who believe as I believe .. who live as I am living .. they who approach their existence as I approach existence .. shall have an advancing life more abundantly prosperous .. and they shall be gradually .. progressively .. quickening their personal existence unto Eternal Life Everlasting.
In the Creator Sons the love of the Universal Father is blended with the mercy of the Eternal Son and is disclosed to the local universes in the creative power, loving ministry, and understanding sovereignty of the Michaels of Paradise.
Michael Of Nebadon