The Seed Of Infinity in You

The Sovrnty Foundation
2 min readNov 14, 2020

This gospel of the kingdom is a living truth which quickens the receptacle of thine soul.

I have told you it is like the leaven in the dough, like the grain of mustard seed; and now I declare that it is like the seed of the living being, which, from generation to generation, while it remains the same living seed, unfailingly unfolds itself in new manifestations and grows acceptably in channels of new adaptation to the peculiar needs and conditions of each successive generation.

I sayeth unto you...

The revelation I am giving you during this 21st Century Bestowal Mission is a living revelation, and I desire that it shall bear appropriate fruits in each individual and in each generation in accordance with the laws of spiritual growth, increase, and adaptative development.

The mind is restless, its law is expansion; and when it becomes independent, artistic and inventive, it cannot be repressed or subjected. Whatever the one faculty may be, in the individual in which it predominates, that faculty becomes the characteristic and controlling central force.

Coming generations will find means of overcoming obstacles which now seem insurmountable. Strength of will, morally directed, is one of the noblest traits of human life, because it is a measure of your attainments, and prophesies your inconceivable possibilities, probabilities, purposes, and potentialities.

By the culture of the harmonious action of all the faculties in you, and the constant effort to place the higher ideal in its rightful ascendancy, thine will shall become strengthened in that direction, and to an unlimited extent.

The will has no limitation except mental qualities of thought, with which it deals. It cannot create. It can only use the material on hand. It means the sum of mental activities.

Ye must regard it as the dynamics of the mind. So far as human beings live in rebelliousness and resistance, so are they confined and limited in what they might create. The will is not free; as an attentive centerstance of force, it becomes free; the mind is a treasure-house of thought and feeling powers which set into motion vibrations; it is a mighty reserve which is at the disposal of the will.

From generation to generation this gospel must show increasing vitality and exhibit greater depth of spiritual power.

It must not be permitted to become merely a sacred memory, a mere tradition about me and the times in which we now live in this the year 2020.

Michael Of Nebadon
21st Century Americas



The Sovrnty Foundation
The Sovrnty Foundation

Written by The Sovrnty Foundation

Faith, Hope, and Charity in the rehabilitation and restoration and reordering of the Universal Planetary Government

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